
Monday, November 21, 2011

New Bloggie Buttons

Here are some of the blog buttons I have made. I've created a page to house these buttons as well (see the top bar), which I'll be updating from time to time, so feel free to check it often! You are free to use any of these buttons on your own blog, as long as you link to me when you do so. (Although, if you use one of my Yet Another Period Drama Blog buttons, you don't have to link to me because... the buttons already do.)

I had a lot of fun making these, by the way. The Scarlet Pimpernel ones are currently my favorites, closely followed by the Edmund Sparkler one and the Mary Poppins one and pretty much all the fashion ones...

Okay, stop rambling and get down to business.

Yet Another Period Drama Blog Buttons: (in other words, Shameless Self-Advertising Buttons)

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

I Am, I Do and I Like Buttons:

(Anyone can use this one, but I made it extra-specially with NaNo-ers in mind)

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

'Nuff said.

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Mr. Darcy said this, and as we all know he is never wrong.

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Okay, so maybe there's a little bit...
Yet Another Period Drama Blog


Yet Another Period Drama Blog

I snagged this picture from Hayden's blog... and the idea for it, too. :P

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Fashion Buttons:

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Buttons That Defy Categorization:

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

This one is actually part of a Dr. Seuss quote. :)
Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Okay, so this one is kinda a repeat of the Edmund Sparkler one...

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

My personal favorite, m'dears.
Yet Another Period Drama Blog


  1. Those blog buttons are simply amazing and creative!

  2. Thank you, Jemimah! Feel free to use any of them that you like.

  3. Thanks!
    I am going to put one on my blog:)

  4. Oh I love these! Be prepared to see many of them littered of my blog very soon :')


  5. I just found your blog! Absoloutely wonderful, another true period drama fanatic!!

    In Christ

  6. Added one of the new buttons! They all look great!

  7. Oh, these are great! Thanks for including the picture from my blog :)

    I HAVE to put many of these up. I love the chocoholic one!!

  8. Ella,
    You're welcome!

    Ooh goody. :)

    How nice to meet you (and what a lovely name!). Thank you for your comment (and for following my blog!)

    Miss Bennet,
    Thank you!

    Haha, thanks for not suing me. :) Chocoholics unite!

  9. Your buttons are so creative and charming!
    I especially like the Edmund Sparkler, Top Hats, Cravats and "Sink Me!" buttons! I'll definitely be adding one or two to my blog, I just can't decide which one to use and where! :)

  10. I tagged you sister dear. If you don't have time right now I understand just put it off until later.

  11. Actually, I don't think I'd have much of a case since I stole it first from Google... It did take me nearly thirty minutes to find that picture, though. I knew it had to exist somewhere! :)

  12. Hayden,
    LOL, I steal all my photos from Google... I don't actually take any of my own screencaps. I should, though.


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