
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Contest Closed

The Period Drama Button Contest is now officially closed! A great big thank you to all the participants... your entries were amazing! I will be announcing the five finalists on Monday, and then you will all have one week to vote for best one.

Meanwhile, I made this one and it made me giggle, so I thought I'd share it with you.  I can't enter it in the contest (obviously) but I thought I would post it here anyway.  If you are at all acquainted with Peter Pan and The Scarlet Pimpernel, I hope you'll find it funny.



  1. Haahaaaa....
    I haven't seen Peter Pan for years, but I don't think I needed to to be amused by that. As I have seen TSP. ;-)

  2. HAHAHA! I love it! I'm practically rolling on the floor laughing right now!
    Something to add to my bucket list: "become as witty as Miss Dashwood someday." :)

    of Arda Nessimava

  3. Oh my goodness do I ever love that one! I love Peter Pan and The Scarlet Pimpernel so I was particularly amused.

  4. That photo was delightfully hilarious! Even though I wasn't able to join in making some buttons, I certainly had fun seeing the entries other bloggers submitted.

  5. Melody,
    Peter Pan was Anne-girl's and my FAVORITE MOVIE EVER when we were little. She was convinced Peter was a real person (sometimes I think she still is...) but then a few years later we read the original book and realized that only THAT is the REAL Peter Pan.

    Lady Nessima,
    Heehee, I'm glad I could make you laugh!

    Ah, a fellow Peter Pan fan! How nice! I adore Peter Pan (and Wendy of course.)

    I was blown away by the wit and humor from the entries in my contest... I had expected funny stuff, but not THIS good. Voting for a winner will be really hard!!

  6. Completely and totally inspired, m'dear!!! If it were in the contest I would so vote for it. Just sayin'. :-) MADE. MY. DAY.

    Thanks so much for having the contest! It was sooooo much fun!!!

  7. *giggles* Oh my goodness. That was so perfect. I'm so impressed at the different banners (one would call them banners would one not? *puzzles*) that people have made (of the ones I've seen of course) How are you all so very clever and witty? *blinks*


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