
Monday, February 27, 2012

Calling All Kindred Spirits

I absolutely love Anne of Green Gables.  The character, the books, the movies, you name it and I'll be your friend forever.  Anne Shirley is the quintessential literary heroine and, hands down, my favorite. Ever.

So it is with great excitement, a lot of thrills and a dash of romanticism that I announce the blog event I'm planning to host...

Anne of Green Gables Week, which will take place March 11-17, 2012.  A six-day birthday party for the imaginative redhead in all of us, a literary blogging event for any and all kindred spirits who love Anne and love to laugh.  (I hate coming up with taglines.)

When Anne tells Marilla about herself (the plain facts, not what she imagines about herself--sadly) she says that she was born in March in Bolingbroke, Nova Scotia.  When you do the math and add up everyone's ages in Rilla of Ingleside (the only Anne book with specific dates) you can deduce that Anne was born in March of 1866.  However, we don't know exactly when in March her birthday falls.  I have always held to the belief that it takes place smack in the middle of the month, which is why this party celebrating dear Anne Shirley's 146th (yipes) will take place from the 11th to the 17.

*in a loud whisper* "And... that also happens to be my birthday [week].  Just so ya know." (It's not a birthday party for me.  But I didn't mind planning Anne's birthday to coincide with mine. :) And I'm not turning 146.  You may guess how old I'm going to be, if you like.)

I do hope you'll all participate in this celebration of Anne's birthday! I've been planning this event ever since November, and tried hosting the Jane Austen Birthday Party back in December as a sort of dry run.  I was quite inexperienced then (and of course am oh-so-experienced now... HA) but I hope that now I've learned at least a little bit more about hosting a blog event.  There will be guest posts, there will be movie reviews, there will be character quizzes and a dream casting for a new movie and some totally off-the-wall tag questions, and it will all be very, very romantic.  (And by the end of the week, I probably won't ever want to hear that word again, Jane Andrews.)

So if you're of the race that knows Joseph, I would love it if you'd put one of these buttons up on your blog to advertise the event... and I'd love it even more if you'd also come back to Yet Another Period Drama Blog on March 11th to join the fun!

Large Buttons (450 or 500 pixels wide)

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Small Buttons (300 pixels wide)
Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

Yet Another Period Drama Blog


  1. I LOVE Anne!! I am very excited!! I'll be here on March 11th!! =)

  2. Wow!! I love anne of green gables!! I will be here for sure on march 11th!!! Can't wait!!
    P.S. I had a very hard time choosing between your lovely buttons!!!

  3. I can't wait!
    Anne is a great herione:0)

  4. Lovely! I put the last small button on my sidebar.

    And I know this is random, but whenever I hear 'Jane Andrews' I think Jane Seymour and Anthony Andrews. Don't ask me why. ;)

  5. By the way, I made a new page on my blog called "events" and I put one of your Anne of Green Gables buttons on there! =)

  6. Yaaaayyyy! *bounces up and down*
    Okay, I didn't technically bounce up and down... but you get the picture. ;-)

    Sooo exciting! Anne definitely deserves More Attention around here!! Not that I'm accusing anyone of paying her too little attention... well, yes, yes I am. Myself included, it seems. Ahem.

    Anyways. Those buttons are LOVELY!! =D You did a great job.

    I am so looking forward to it! (Pretty sure that was an Emma quote of some sort or other....)

  7. Payton,
    Yay! Thanks for putting up my button! I am SO excited...

    Naomi and Ella,
    Great, I'll be looking forward to your participation! What fun!

    Maria Elisabeth,
    Haha, I never thought of that! Sort of like the Sir Andrew and Lord Anthony thing, eh what? So many connections...

    Oh, yes, I fear that Anne is often sadly neglected in the blogging world... what a dreadful thing, Sparkler. Horrid. Horrid. :P

  8. Wow, I'm so excited for this! Glad to know that there are lots of Anne-adoring kindred spirits out there.

  9. BTW, I am terrible at guessing ages, especially when I have no idea what you look like, but you said we could guess how old you were going to be, so.... please don't be offended if I get this totally wrong, but based on how you write, I'm guessing you're probably around my age! 17-19 years old. Just thought I'd throw that out there. =)

  10. Aaaaaaah, this is soooooo exciting! What a simply splendid idea. I think I will read my complete collection of the Anne of Green Gables series over again in celebration.

    But girls, girls, please tell me you didn't like that third movie. UGH. The books are SO much better. :D

    Wonderful idea, Miss Dashwood!

  11. Julia,
    My approval of the 3rd Anne movie on a scale of 1-10: ZERO.


  12. YIPEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SO EXCITED!!!!!

    Methinks I will repost my "bashing review" of Anne 3. :-D And random other things. I adore Anne soooo much. (Family legend has it that I could quote the entire first two films at the age of three. :-P)

    oh, totally off the subject...but I finally remembered to get that AA/Les Miz link. He's only talking at the beginning, but it's worth the 15-some seconds. :-P Plus I love Gina Beck's Cosette. Do not care for Marius, though. :-D

    There are a few other songs on there from that production with wee AA bits. :-D

    And in response to your little discussion with Maria Elisabeth...the Sir Andrew/Lord Anthony thing always cracks me up. :-)

  13. Melody,
    I agree with you completely!!

  14. "A truly kindred spirit" that is what you are !!!!! Oh I just KNOW we'll get along just're not an old ogre are you? oh my I'm so sorry I didnt mean to say that!
    My DEAR miss Dshwood!! I am positively exuberant!!! You made me sooo happy by hosting this week!! I cant participate ..but you KNOW I will be on here EVERY day!!!!!

    As to your age I'm almost certain I KNOW ...17!! right?
    Well ALL the buttons are gorgeous!!! Make more PLEASE!! I DO love them!!
    I'm sooo very happy I found your blog it makes me happy all the time!

  15. Ooh, I can't believe someone is finally hosting an Anne of Green Gables event! This made my day! I simply love Anne! (I apologize for all the exclamation marks.)

    The buttons look wonderful! Now which one should I add to my blog?

  16. Julia, I love the books and the first two movie adaptations. But the third film? From what I've heard, it's terrible, so I am very reluctant to see it. I'd rather read the books all over again.

  17. I have a confession: I've never read or watched anything related to Anne of Green Gables, for reasons I'm yet to discover! I don't think it's got anything to do with where I live, since my school library is full of the DVDs...but I will try and make a point of educating myself during the week, if nothing else :)


  18. Diana,
    Great! I'm super excited too.

    You are correct--and please don't worry about offending me; people frequently think I'm younger than I really am and I've just learned to live with it.

    What a splendid idea to reread the Anne series! I'm currently rereading Rilla of Ingleside, but I might dig out a couple of the other books too...
    Ugh. I haven't even watched the entire third movie. Glad to know that there are other kindred haters of it out there. :P

    Haha, my approval on a scale of 1-10---NEGATIVE FIFTEEN.
    In fact of point, I simply refuse to acknowledge its existence.

    Ooh, ooh, I so definitely want to read your bashing review of FakeAnne!
    SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEAM! Thank you for the link! I'm off to Youtube to watch it...
    Hmmm, Gina Beck is quite good, but Katie Hall is still my favorite. And this Eponine is a pleasant surprise!!
    Eh... that Marius isn't great, certainly, but he's not as bad as he could have been. ;P Frankly, nobody is Michael Ball except Michael Ball, so one has to make allowances. :)

  19. Julia,
    I most certainly AM an old ogre, and don't you forget it! :)
    What fun! I'll look forward to "seeing" you here during Anne week! And yes, you are correct, I'm going to be 17.

    Don't apologize, exclamation marks are quite necessary sometimes! And I agree with you completely--it's much better to read the books all over again than to watch the 3rd movie. :)

    *gasp* You haven't read or seen Anne of Green Gables? This must be remedied at once!
    Hopefully Anne week will be a good influence and prompt you to see the movies and read the books. :) They're spectacular.

  20. Miss Dashwood,
    Well, see, I was just trying to be technical; I usually do, you know. And '0' is technically the lowest rating something can get. Something less than zero is still zero.

    However, the thought also crossed my head that the 4th movie must be rated even lower, and therefore if I was to rate that it would be less than zero.

    Oh wait... I just contradicted myself...


    Haha, Sullivan Films really should have stopt while they were behind. :P

    OH! You said 'fact of point'! ;D Thou art learning my ways. LIMM

  21. I have the 25th anniversary edition of Les Mis on hold at the library!! So I will be watching it soon! I will let you know what I think. =)

  22. (Ugh. I am Most Severely Displeased with Blogger's new comment format.)

    Haha, I know you were being technical, but I was being Nonsensical. :P Just to show my dislike of that movie, you know. :) But you have a good point there. Yep, I used fact of point... perhaps one could say that you are having a bad influence on me. ;)

    Great! I hope you enjoy it. Do be aware that there are some scenes you will want to skip (particularly a song called "Lovely Ladies" and another called "Master of the House"---the latter isn't all bad, but there is some content.)
    I hope you get a chance to see the 10th anniversary concert, too! But the 25th is quite good in its own right. I may or may not be biased. ;)

  23. Glory Be! :) how delightfully delighted am i! I absolutely ADORE Anne! and will definitely be participating... thank you so much dear lovely Miss Dashwood...i am enraptured! :)

  24. oh...whoops...i thought it didn't take my comment...sorry for the repeat.. :)

  25. Ooh!! Me too! It's awful!! It seems to me like every time something like this changes it's for the WORSE. >.<
    And furthermore, it's more difficult to "prove I'm not a robot".

    Heehee, I knew you knew I was being technical, and I knew that you were being nonsensical, and I just decided to be nonsensically serious back. But it's just possible that YOU knew THAT and are simply pulling the 'two can play at this game' trick. ;-)

    IN SHORT--I abhor it every bit as much as you do.

    A bad influence?? Well, I nevuh!! *sniffs, turns on heel, and stalks away*

    Haha, an Amy Dorrit picture, with Miss Dashwood... ;-) I love that picture though. And that scene. *dreamy sigh* It's so bittersweet... but the sweet side wins, and so I like it. hehe

    I really should stop spamming your comment box with my ramblings...

  26. A new follower to your blog! ;)

    Found it thanks to Miss Laurie from Old Fashioned Charm. I love Anne (pretty much am her ;) ) & so when I heard about your Anne party, I figured I'd at least follow for the next month... :D

    I put one of your blog buttons on

  27. I love Anne, too! I don't know how many times I've read the Anne books and watched the movies. Ha L.M.M. knew how to create just the right mix of wit and sentiment. ;-)

  28. Your Buttons were so pretty - I could hardly choose which one to use! Unfortunately, they were all too big for by sidebar - so I chose a really big one and posted it at the bottom of my page - I do hope many people will see it there. I look forward to your Anne week! ( by the way Megan Follows is on the show Heartland on GMC this week and next - during your Anne week! )

    I posted your Anne Button on my blog here:


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