
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Did you see them going out to fight?

My dearest Ally sent me this today and pretty much made my week.  No, month.  I was insanely excited when the first trailer for Les Miz 2012 came out back in May, and I'm even more thrilled by this brand-new (as in, just released today) sneak peek.

I'm not doing a blow-by-blow breakdown of this video like I did for the trailer (it's too long and too self-explanatory) but I will mention a few of my favorite things...

~Samantha Barks' "On My Own."  Perhaps this song should be retitled "Blow My Mind."  Especially the part where the director casually mentions how they bring in a 70-piece orchestra and the music just explodes off the screen.
~That two-second snippet of "Little Fall."  I was bawling in those two seconds, folks.
~Amanda Seyfried's gorgeous voice.  My reservations about her Cosette are no longer in existence.
~I also take back everything disparaging I ever may have said about Eddie Redmayne.  He's going to be an amazing Marius.  Amazing, I tell you.
~Anne Hathaway has my eternal respect.  She is going to be one of the best Fantines ever.  EVER.
~Russell Crowe rides a horse quite awesomely.
~Enjolras' pistol.  For some reason this was quite thrilling.
~Hugh Jackman's better-than-I'd-hoped rendition of "What Have I Done?"  Not as good as I might have wished, but definitely not bad.
~The tiny glimpse of Colm Wilkinson near the end.  YAY!
~The barricades, the barricades, the barricades.
~The way all the actors seem so excited and honored to be a part of this amazing movie.  That's really the best part-- that they're entering into it so wholeheartedly and trying their best to do justice to a story and a musical that means so much to so many people.

A few of my not-so-favorite things...
~We saw a lot of Russell Crowe's Javert but didn't hear him sing.  I'm a bit nervous about this.  Will he do "Stars" justice?
~The Red Vest of Power and Awesomeness still hasn't shown up (though I haven't given up hope).
~The fact that the movie's release date has been bumped forward to December 25th.  Why, why, why must they prolong the suspense???


  1. In answer to the changed release date, I believe this is because of The Hobbit being released on the 14 of December, and they don't want to have to have two big movies like that competing with each other.

  2. Why, of course I had to be a supportive bloggy friend and watch this video again when you posted it. Sigh. The sacrifices I will make. ;)

  3. YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heehee, ok, I'll attempt to make the rest of my comment mature and rational. :)

    THIS IS SUPER EXCITING!!! Russell Crowe has the perfect Javert voice. Awwww, Marius and Cosette are so cute together! I agree, Eddie is going to be a fantastic Marius. Enjolras watching Little Fall of Rain is beautiful- and Eddie and Samantha are going to be great in that scene. Did you catch Alistair Brammer at 1:01? Hmm, Jackman's What Have I Done... we'll see. SAMANTHA BARKS!!!!!! Oh my gosh, she's going to be WONDERFUL!!!!!! And Amanda is going to make a great Cosette. Aww, love all those kids! Enjo and Marius with pistols!! And Fra Fee is behind them. How come we haven't spotted Killian Donnelly or Hadley Fraser in anything that has been released yet? There's Eponine on the barricade!!! Yay!

    In case you can't tell, I was typing all of the above while watching the video. :)

    I have one complaint. WE HAVEN'T HEARD ENJOLRAS SING YET!!!!!!!

    In conclusion, the only things I'm still worried about are: Enjo's singing and that for some reason they'll move the release date back even farther. (NOOOOOO, please no!)


  4. I've just left a comment over at Of Trims and Frills and Furbelows about this. I'm tempted to see this Les Miserables. I haven't seen any version of Les Miserables, but when my parents and I went and saw "Last Ounce of Courage" and this was one of the previews, I suddenly wanted to see it. It looked really nice up on the theater screen than just a computer screen. I'm liking Anne Hathaway's voice; wasn't sure if she would have a good singing voice, but the first time I saw the trailer my mind was changed. So, here's to waiting for Christmas!

    I was wondering, have you seen the Les Miserables with Liam Neeson? I've seen it in a couple of stores and almost wanted to see it, but wasn't quite sure.

  5. AH! Isn't it the definition of Awesomeness?!!!!!! I about died watching it. CANNOT WAIT! And I agree on all your points!

    I am SOOOO excited! Even though I won't be able to see this movie for a couple years, I can't wait for it to be finished! But they didn't include either Javert or Enjolras singing! (sniff) Marius sings awesomely! So does Anne Hathaway! And the guy who is playing Jean Valjean, for that matter. :) So hyper excited!

  7. Oh, and of course Samantha Parks was just AWESOME!!!! The shots of little Fall and On My Own are just.....sigh. Smiley face!

  8. AHHHHH I'm so excited for December now! :D

    I love how you really get the impression that they're making a huge effort to make it authentic and so on. All the actors seem really enthusiastic as well, as you said, and that's always really gratifying to hear. Not to mention it can end up being surprisingly important in how the end product turns out!

    I won't say any more - I need to go and watch it again :D I can't remember anticipating a film quite this much before!


  9. Just wow!

    Well first off, the video didn't load for me all the way the first time (stupid YouTube, ahem) so I had to watch almost the whole thing over again (*sarcasm* Horrors! *sarcasm)!

    I'm catching a lot more on my second viewing! Seriously, Little Fall of Rain is going to be awesome! I also love this Marius and Cosette because they seem very suited to each other and their voices are going to be incredible!
    Not too sure about Hugh Jackman's version, I like his acting a lot and many of his other Broadway renditions but is the quality of his voice too much for Valjean?
    I love Cosette's bedroom and all of her costumes are just gorgeous!
    Love Eddie Redmayne's comments about Anne Hathaway singing for the trailer, they certainly echo my own thoughts and probably those of most fans!

    As you said Amy, there is a real respect among all of the cast and crew for this musical, it's so wonderful to see them really caring about this particular story, group of characters and pieces of music. They all seem quite honored to have been chosen for these roles and to get to portray them on screen.

    Is the release date definitely the 25th now? Well it's a nice "gift" either way! :) Thanks so much for posting this!

  10. I finally watched this--you must be very proud of me.
    Well, but you might also be very annoyed with me for withholding comment. Heh.


  11. Miss Elizabeth--
    Nope, I haven't seen the Liam Neesom version. It's very unfaithful to the book, from what I've heard (leaving out my favorite character! sob!). And it has some definitely inappropriate moments, according to IMDb, so though I haven't seen it, I would not recommend it.

    *fetches smelling salts*
    *promptly swoons again tootuz swooning is fun*
    *waits for Mr. Knightley to appear so he can catch me if I decide to have a third try at it*
    I am very, very proud, my dearest dear. What did you think????
    ...Eh, perhaps I'd better not ask. :P


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