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(I have a feeling our party is going to be a lot less sedate... and hopefully less snarky... than this scene, but I just love the picture so I had to use it.) |
"There's no business like show business, like no business I know... everything about it is appealing..."
~Annie Get Your Gun
I've been wanting to host a musicals blog party since... mmmm, since I started this blog, actually. Which means almost two years. Which in blog years is like two decades or something. The reason it's taken me almost two years is that I was afraid not enough people would be interested. Yet after the overwhelming response and interest that came pouring in every time I posted about Les Miserables on here (and the delightful success of the Les Mis concert week that Petie and I hosted last summer), I began to think that perhaps there were, after all, enough musical theatre geeks out there to make such a party a success. So, voila, here we are. "Where do we go from here? This isn't where we expected to be..."
(Um, and I'm using this blog party as an excuse to stick as many random song lyrics into my posts as possible, and if you catch all the references, here's a high-five. If you don't get the references, my apologies for annoying you with all my random lyrics.)
So. Onward.
The idea behind this party is simple. It's a bit different from other parties I've hosted, but I think it's going to be fun. Basically, everybody gets to pick a musical of their choice and write about it for a whole week, and then at the end of the week we all link up our posts here and have a grand and glorious reading-of-everyone's-posts-and-having-fun-because-musicals-are-awesome. It's a four-step process, the way I see it. If you want to participate, you will need to...
1. Choose a blog button from the assortment below and display it somewhere on your blog (I recommend the sidebar.)
3. Start writing your posts for the week now. You'll want to have them ready ahead of time so it isn't a mad scramble when party week arrives. (Trust me on this one.) I recommend that you write at least three posts about your chosen musical-- this isn't a requirement for participation, but it would be nice if everyone who participates does at least the minimum. Need ideas for posts? Some suggestions...
~a review of the stage version (if you've seen one)
~a review of the movie (if there is one, and you've seen it)
~a review of your favorite cast recording/soundtrack
~your dream cast, if you were to stage this musical
~an analysis of your favorite character(s) and why you love them
~a trivia quiz of your own invention, based on your musical
~comparisons of different versions of songs from your musical
~your favorite actors who have played in this musical, and why you love their performances
I will also be providing a tag to get the week kicked off, and you should feel free to write posts about anything else musical-related that strikes your fancy, in addition to the posts about your spotlighted musical.
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(You probably WOULD understand. In fact, I hope you will, once you've finished reading all the posts I have planned about it. But I found this picture amusing-- ergo, I must share it.) |
4. Tag all your posts with "Celebrate Musicals Week" so that when we have our link-up at the end of the party, you can simply provide the link to all your posts containing that tag. (For example, all of the posts on my blog that have to do with the Anne of Green Gables party I hosted last spring are tagged with "Anne of Green Gables week" and can be found at this address: http://miss-dashwood.blogspot.com/search/label/Anne%20of%20Green%20Gables%20Week.) This will save a lot of space and time and makes more sense (in my mind) than individually linking to each post. :D
Okay, I lied, there's a fifth step...
5. Have a blast! This is going to be so fun, I'm sure of it. "Anything can happen if you let it," and this blog party is going to be amazing. "I gotta feeling there's a miracle due, gotta come true, comin' for meeeee...."
See you there!
I don't think... I recognized your song lyrics... oh well. :P
ReplyDeleteYou will never, ever, ever guess which of those blog buttons I'm absolutely going to HAVE to use. Which is coincidentally the one I kind of squealed over when I saw. ;D ;D ;D
Anyways. I am pleased you're doing Phantom because this means I shall be quite interested in reading your posts. Not that I wouldn't otherwise, but you know, since it's been kind of a Thing with us lately and... all that. Anyways. I'm not supposed to be on here, I'm supposed to be doing housework, so I "should stop talking and, and go..."
(There. I stuck in a JA quote for good measure. :P Tootuz I'm supposed to be thinking about JA stuff, you know, not musicals stuff...)
So excited! The two-week advance notice is such a great idea. So helpful, so brilliant.
ReplyDeleteI'm showing my newbie status, here, but... erm... how do I use the button? Completely green, I know. =/
Can't wait to see which musicals are picked!
Ooh! I've never been in a blog party before! I've no idea what musical I'm going to focus on just yet but I'm definitely going to give this a shot.
ReplyDeleteI'm doing Les Mis! I've got ten posts planned but some of them will probably consolidate.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be totally predictable and pick Les Mis 'cause I seem to have a LM streak going already. I actually already wrote a dream cast for it too, so I'm all set. :D
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read your POTO posts and see what other people pick! :)
SQUEEEEP! THIS IS GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN! =) I know I *never* comment on your blog, but I felt this was a special opportunity. I definitely going to be posting about Les Mis since, even though there *are* other musicals I like (who would've thought?), that's the one I know best, so it should be relatively easy to write posts for it. 'Easy' is the key word, since I don't have much time to do things these days :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really interested to see your posts on PotO, as my best friend is not uninterested in that particular show (to use litote). I read the book (my first Gothic novel ever), and was not impressed by the story...I've heard a few songs (to use litote again), and was very impressed (once I discovered that someone other than Sarah Brightman played Christine Xp). My question is this: Do I listen to/like/otherwise associate myself with a so-so to borderline objectionable story because the show contains musical artistry?
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't help that my mother is a bit fed up with me quoting musicals right now :D It's something I've been wondering about--anyway, perhaps your insightful posts will provide...some...insight. :) Pardon my long and rather nonsensical rambling.
SQUEEEE! I don't have a blog (but I make up for that on pinterest...hehe), so I am just going to enjoy reading all the forthcoming posts and commenting copiously. =D
ReplyDeleteYou chose my 2nd favorite musical to do, so I am jumpinghoppingskipping excited! Can. Not. Wait!
Yay! So glad so many people are interested!
Your JA quote made me all kinds of happy, just thought you should know. :D
Ruby Danderfluff,
Sorry, I forgot to explain how the buttons work! Simply copy the code in the little grab box below the button you want and then paste it into an HTML gadget on your sidebar. The picture will appear on your sidebar and then when someone clicks on it they'll be brought here for more details on the party. Hope that helped!
ONE musical?!?! Only one?! It may take me 'til the 23rd just to pick one out! ;)
ReplyDeleteYet, I am most intrigued to read everyone's posts. 'Tis going to be a very exciting week! :D
GAHHH! This is going to be so much fun!!! As soon as I saw the link-up on Pinterest, I was like, "If I can do it, I'm in!!" I am full-on set doing Phantom (not to copy yours!) :), and I CANNOT wait to see your Phantom post!
ReplyDelete~Hannah S.
Oooh, I'll definitely be participating! I think I'm going to choose Hello, Dolly! Either that or Meet Me In St. Louis. Big surprise. : )
ReplyDeleteI love the buttons! : )
Like I said before.... My place is here, I fight with you, etc, etc. : )
ReplyDeleteA musical came to mind when I read about your "spotlight" idea, but I have no idea if it'll work out.... It's a little, teeny-weeny, off-off-Broadway musical that I love to bits and pieces, but I don't know if there will be three posts I can do on it that aren't "THIS IS JUST SOOOOOO GOOD GO OUT AND GET THE CD POSTHASTE!!!" posts. In that case, I'd have to figure out another musical to do.... : P (Hey. I could always brag on how I saw the Original Cast of Cinderella! *evil chuckle*) We shall see.
For months now I've been wishing that someone would do am musical blog party and I thought about doing one but I was busy (and lazy) and so now you're doing one and I'm SO HAPPY!! sometimes I think out brains are very similar. :)
ReplyDeleteNow the hard part is picking the musical...I think I'll go with Rogers and Hammerstein's Cinderella, since it's one of my favorites AND it just came out on broadway not that long ago...
Eeep! I'm so excited!!!
This sounds like SO much fun! I decided to do "The Phantom of the Opera" as soon as I read the post! Can't wait to read everyone's different posts!
ReplyDeleteYay, the button worked. Thanks Amy! Just can't decide which musical to focus on yet. It's too tricksy!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to be totally unoriginal *facepalm* and do Les Mis. :) Because I recently got into it and could TALK about it for a week. ^.^
ReplyDeleteARGH! That is Tolkien Week! The week I'm hosting a Tolkien blog party! Which means I'll already be posting stuff every single day. On my book blog, not the one I do movie reviews on, but still... can I be a maybe? I'd focus on An American in Paris, or possibly Guys and Dolls. IF I manage to finish all my prep work for my Tolkien blog party and get stuff done ahead of time for this too.
ReplyDeleteONLY ONE?!
ReplyDeleteONLY ONE?!?!?!?!??!
GAHHHHHHH. I did POTO week like, gosh...several years ago. Took it down when my opinions on it changed, LOL...mostly Phantom vs. Raoul stuff. Anyway...but I don't knowwwwwwww. I've done a ton of Les Mis stuff...Ummmmm...I could do Wicked. IDK. We need to discuss this via chat or something. :)
And of COURSE I got the references. :P
I've never actually been a part of a blog party, but this sounds fun! I'll have to see if I can find the time and figure out which one I'll do! It's a tough decision. =)
ReplyDeleteYOU ARE DOING PHANTOM?!?! EPIC!!!! I cannot wait! Les Mis and Phantom are my two favourite musicals, so I'm very pleased that your blog is going to be perfectly balanced. : )
ReplyDeleteOh, gee whiz. I might just have to join in on this! I know I've got a writing blog, but this makes going off-topic for a week almost too good to resist...
ReplyDeleteAaahhh!!! I'm with Kiri- only ONE??? How am I EVER going to choose??????? :D (I can think up enough posts about musicals to last a month.)
ReplyDeleteI've actually narrowed it down to half a dozen. *sigh* :D And, I already know that besides the posts on whatever musical I finally choose, I'm going to bring in several others in another post or two.
Oh dear, what button to use, what button to use??? I shall have to put one on my sidebar and use all the others in my posts. :) Great buttons, Amy!!
And YAY!!!! I'm glad you are going to do POTO. That musical is just... I LOVE it... and look forward very much to your views and opinion on it.
Now I'm going off to try to decide on a musical and begin drafting my posts.
This sounds like such a fun blog party! I would love to participate. I want to do The Phantom of the Opera, since I was planning to do some posts on that subject anyway.
ReplyDeleteOh, this sounds like so much fun, I'm definitely going to participate and I've almost picked a musical too :) By the way, I just discovered your blog today and it looks beautiful, feel free to check out mine as well :) musicandmymind.blogspot.com.
ReplyDeleteOooh, this sounds like fun! Musicals are my favorite. I've just started a new blog, so as long as I can get the posts written up in time, I think I'll join in as well. :D
ReplyDeleteHate to make this a Phantom overload, but, like Banrion, I've been stewing a few Phantom ideas since I started blogging... I'd like to focus on The Phantom of the Opera as well, but I definitely have a few ideas for some variety posts in addition. =)
ReplyDeleteCan't wait for this!
Well, it looks like I'm going to have to let this pass me by after all. Between bringing home a new puppy and writing a new novel, this week is going to be much to busy for me the write those posts. I guess my Sound of Music musings will have to wait till around when the new TV version airs in December...But I'll certainly be an eager spectator of this event! (And who knows, maybe if it's successful you'll make it an annual event!)
ReplyDeleteGreat Scot. This is a frabjabulous idea and I've already started making up my posts! ^.^ Thanks for the inspiration! And also, thanks for making us choose only one musical. This is going to be So Much Fun! :D
ReplyDeletePOTO (the movie) is my FAVE! I also love Camelot (stage version with Richard Harris - I have that one on dvd) and Gigi. I also enjoy Paint Your Wagon and The Unsinkable Molly Brown.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read your Phantom post! (I have extremely limited internet right now, living out in the sticks, so your post gives me something to look forward to. I LOVE Phantom! I've never seen it on stage though).
I've decided!!!!!!!! But, I think I shall keep it a secret. Muahahaha!!
ReplyDelete(Well, ok, if you twist my arm enough, Amy, I
might tell you in an email. :D)
Off to begin drafting!!!!!!
Would it be acceptable to make vlogs instead of writing a blog post? I'm not sure I'll have time to do this super amazing blog party, but I really want to and if I did that would be easier to fit into my schedule than writing out so many posts. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm really excited about the opportunity to write and share about musicals!! :D
Eeeep I can't believe I just found this. Oh dear, but it looks like I'm going to have to join in of the fun too! -rushes off to stat writing blog posts-
ReplyDeleteEeeep, I'm so excited that so many of you are going to participate! WOOOOOOOOT!
ReplyDeleteKayla-- yes, it's perfectly fine for you to do a vlog if you're pressed for time. I'd encourage everyone to write as much as possible, but vlogs are delightful too and it gives your readers something different and interesting. :D
Help, so many people are doing Les Mis...oh, well it is my favourite (and the best) musical, so I guess I'll do it. : ) The more the merrier.
ReplyDeleteSounds like fun! Here is my address! eachandeveryhour.blogspot.com
ReplyDeleteSo this sounds like SUCH fun! Cannot wait to come back & check out everyone's favorite musicals!
ReplyDeleteWhile I'd LOVE to participate fully in this ... my heart is *movie* musicals & I only post Tues & Thurs SO...methinks I shall refer people to this grand party with one of your buttons, while doing my own thing, unofficially springboarded off of this party.
GREAT idea for this fun party! I'm SO excited for it!
I have to ask, from which musical is that blog button that is right after the Christine & Raoul one? I couldn't recognize her and it bothers me humongously as a musical fan :D
ReplyDeleteI've been enjoying reading all this posts... I only wish that I had time to participate too! Oh, well. Maybe you'll do it again one day...?