
Sunday, March 2, 2014

I'd Like to Share: March 2014

*trumpet blast* The results are in for March, and we have a new quote to be guessed in the comments!

"There will be a great deal to occupy your pen. I regret that you missed the incident just last week. A wagon of bricks had cause to drive down King Street and became lodged with a pit cart headed the opposite way."

Now for the actual nominations.

In the Humorous category...

Eva nominated Sarah M. Eden for If Every Story Were Written Like a Cliche Romance
Kiri Liz nominated Jack for Beds and Bedstands

In the Informative category...

Miss Jane Bennet nominated Monica for Let's Talk Writing: Poetry
Hamlette nominated Heidi Spargur for Decoding Shakespeare

In the Inspirational category...

Serena nominated Elizabeth Rose for On Christian Sincerity
Emma Jane nominated Miss Laurie for A Special Valentine's Card for You
Reyna Nicole nominated Desarae for It's Not About You: Single on Valentine's Day
Maddie Rose nominated Jennoelle for Up For Interpretation
Miss Dashwood nominated Jenny Freitag for Respect: A Social Grace

Round of applause to everyone who participated (and to all who were nominated :D)-- the page is open for nominations for April now.  Please remember to link to the post you nominate and mention the blogger's name.  Thanks be unto thee!


  1. The quote is definitely Cranford and either Miss Mattie or Mary...

  2. Hi, Miss Dashwood! I've been loving your blog for a while now, but just now received permission to follow you!! Keep up the good work!!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So sorry for the mistake, folks! The links have all been fixed now (hopefully.) Apologies for the inconvenience!

  6. I don't know the quote- no idea at all!
    I don't have a blog, but I nominate Miss Emma Jane for this post:
    In the Inspirational category.

  7. The quote sounds very like Jane Austen's letters.

    Off to read the nominees now :-D

  8. It's from Cranford! Miss Mattie said it, right?

  9. Hi Miss Dashwood,

    just wanted to ask you a bloggy question; how do you make your own blog header?

    Thanks, Emily :)

  10. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster award over on my blog:


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