Annnnnnd our nominations for the July edition of I'd Like to share are IN! And only one day late! *high-fives self*
In the Inspirational category...
Miss Jane Bennet nominated Faith E. Hough for Fairy Tale Love
Miss Dashwood nominated Rachel Coker for Someday When I Fall in Love
Naomi Bennet nominated Miss Dashwood for Single? Really?
Anne-girl nominated Mirriam Neal for You Can Find Yourself if You Decide to Finally Start
Hamlette nominated Allison Kieselowsky for Cleaning Your Room as a Spiritual Exercise
In the Just Plain Interesting category...
Analiese nominated Melody for The Four Temperaments
Emma Jane nominated Naomi for Things We Bloggers Do
In the Informative category...
Hayden nominated Miss Elizabeth Bennet for Jane Austen and Clergymen
Sara Lewis nominated V.H. Stringer for Romeo, Juliet and the Purpose of Literature
In the Miscellaneous category...
The Elf nominated Danielle for A Sudden Flash of Sehnsucht
Please put your nominations for the August edition in the comment box right here on this page-- each nomination must mention which category you think it best fits (otherwise I'll stick it in Miscellaneous) and please keep your nominations to one-per-customer.
In the meeeeeeantime... can anyone name the film from whence this quote hails?
"Fancy anyone wanting to write a book about beetles, or read one for that matter."
(Round of applause to everyone who guessed Miss Potter for last month's challenge-- that was indeed the correct movie, and the speaker was Miss Millie Warne. I love her. :D)
I'm pretty sure it's from "Wives and Daughters." :)
ReplyDeleteI've enjoyed dipping into these posts. One problem, though. It seems that the link that should go to "A Sudden Flash of Sehnsucht" actually goes to Fairy Tale Love.
ReplyDeleteIs the quote Wives and Daughters?
ReplyDeleteA Bug's Life! (Kidding. :-) I have no idea where that quote comes from. Great list, by the way! I've already found a new blog to follow!).
ReplyDeleteI've edited the last link so it shows up correctly-- so sorry about that, guys!
ReplyDeleteIt's Wives and Daughters! Miss Phoebe Browning... "What on earth are scarabs?" :D
ReplyDeleteAmy, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to link my August nomination here or on the ILTS page, but here it is in any case -- Hayden's guest post on Homeschool Girl: Why I Loved Being Homeschooled. I think it would go under Inspirational, unless you decide otherwise.
All-important link --
Love the title picture!! :D
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I believe it is Wives And Daughters??
For August's Just Plain Interesting, I'd like to nominate a post called "Dilemma-Framing: Why the Hunger Games Needs Yellow Boots" by Anna Ilona Mussmann at Don't Forget the Avacados.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to nominate Hayden's post "Turn Left" ( for the Inspirational category. =)
ReplyDeleteFor August, I'd like to nominate Elizabethany's post 'I write' in the Informative category.
ReplyDeleteHere's the link:
By the way, thank you Emma for nominating me... I know I've thanked you already, but I'm doing it again now. :-)