
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

"Will it rain, do you think?"

Don't forget, folks, that the 50th anniversary My Fair Lady watch-along starts here tomorrow night at 8 PM Central!  If you plan to join us, please be here about 15 minutes early so we can all get set up and get acquainted and all that jazz.  Melody and I are looking forward to it and we hope you are too.  We've been spreading the word (and even inviting a fictional character or two... oh the joys of 21st-century transmedia!), so hopefully it will be a fun and lively gathering.

I'm killing two birds with one stone and using this post to announce that I'd Like to Share, the post link-up that I hosted for the past year and a half, has flown its last flight... or whatever it is that post series do.  Fun as it was, I think it's run its course-- but you can go look at the page whenever you want to access old links and remember the posts that were nominated in days gone by!  I have some new plans for this blog over the coming months, too... so don't go anywhere. :D

(I mean, you can go places.  It's not like you have to keep this window open all the time.  I just mean, don't leave and never come back.  Although I guess you could do that if you really wanted.  I'm not the boss of you.  ...I'm gonna shut up now.)


  1. Ooh how lovely!! Do you know what time it would be for me? In AEST. Hoping I haven't missed it actually :(. Shake about I like to share but it was a lovely concept. :)
    Sent from my iPhone

  2. 8pm Central time is 2am GMT so I'll have to give this one a miss. Have fun!

  3. Oh cool!
    This'll be fun!
    You always have the mostest awesomest events. =D

  4. Oh Evie, It'll be about one in the afternoon TO-DAY for you, if i did the math correctly. =D
    Sorry for the second comment Miss Dashwood. :)

  5. shame about I like to share* stupid phone

  6. Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish.....but I will be memorizing a speech. :'(

    Have fun ya'll!

    Oh, heavens, that sounds quite unsophisticated. How about: have a most delightful time, ladies. :)


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Please keep your words uplifting and edifying, and remember the wise words of Mrs Dashwood: "If you cannot think of anything appropriate to say you will please restrict your remarks to the weather." (Also, if you're commenting as Anonymous, please leave a name or pseudonym of some sort!)