
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Blog Button!

I finally have a blog button--and I'm so excited! I had made a button quite a while ago, but I didn't know how to make a grab box for it. I would love to say that I figured it out all by myself, but the truth of the matter is that I googled "how to make blog button grab boxes" and followed the directions on this page.

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

My Blog Button! Ta-da!

Yet Another Period Drama Blog

I also added a cute little icon on my sidebar where you can get the button, too.


  1. Love your blog button! I'm going to add it to my left sidebar right now! :)

  2. That web site was very useful to me as well!

    You're blog button shall be on my sidebar in a few moments...

  3. Okay--what IS a caption contest?

  4. Lovely button :) I've added it to my blog!


  5. Thank you, Miss Laurie and Melody and Abby!

    Melody, I will be explaining that in a future post. :) I'm glad you asked though, because now I know to actually explain it when the time comes (instead of just saying "Here's the contest!")

  6. Nice Blog button:)
    P.S.I am now following your blog.

  7. Thanks Ella! I'm following you, too. :)


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