
Monday, December 19, 2011

Birthday Card Contest Winners

I am pleased and proud to announce the winners of the Jane Austen Birthday Card contest! It's the moment you've all been waiting for...

the moment you're all STILL waiting for...

Oh, very well, I won't keep you in such suspense. However, I shall be mean enough to begin at the bottom and prolong your suspense just a little.  (Prize buttons are below each name, and I have provided links to the letters themselves.)

And before I satisfy your curiosity, I must say that all the entries were most excessively diverting and I was much amused and charmed by all! I am only sorry that there can be but three winners.

Enough stalling, Miss Dashwood.

In third place, we have Miss Laurie of Old-Fashioned Charm, with her sweet and charming missive from Colonel Brandon.  Congratulations, Miss Laurie!

In second place, we have Abby of Newly Impassioned Soul with her fantastically funny note from Mr. Collins.  Congratulations, Abby!

(For some reason, Abby's button is giving me a great deal of trouble and will not save to my computer.  Hopefully I shall have it completed very soon and will give it to Abby then.)

And in first place, we have Rachel of The Inkpen Authoress with her spot-on card from John Knightley (it's the second one on the page).

And in honorable mention we have...

E. Bristol's card from Elizabeth Bennet Darcy
Lady Nessima's card from Mr. Collins
Milisande's letter from herself to Miss Austen
Eva-Joy's card from Eleanor Tilney Winthrop
Maria Elisabeth's cards from Henry Tilney and Mr. Collins
Melody's card from Emma Woodhouse
Julia's card from Anne Elliot
Stephanie's card from Edmund Bertram
Hayden's card from Miss Bates
The Anne-girl's card from Mr. Woodhouse (which she has kindly given me permission to reproduce here.)

My Dear Miss Austen,
I congratulate you on your advanced age. It shows a carefulness of character that at least your writings have survived this long. It is evident that you have not left them out in drafts or other dangerous things. I would like to impress upon you the importance of not going to any sort of party for your birthday. A quiet day at home, three turns around the garden, and a basin of gruel would be much pleasanter I assure you. My dear Miss Austen I am gladdened to hear that you never married. It is so distressing to a parent when one of their children goes of and marries. When I think of poor Miss Taylor... Could you not have fixed it that she had stayed here? I would like to thank you however for your thoughtfulness in letting Emma and Mr. Knightly stay here with me. We are all very happy and the little ones are being brought up properly. I only wish Emma would not insist on letting them have cake every now and then, cake is so indigestible. A little gruel now... But I see I have forgotten the most important thing of all. I have sent you a shawl for you comfort on a warm night by the fire. I know how dangerous leaving the throat exposed can be.
With many good wishes,
Mr. Woodhouse

Thank you all so much for participating.  Perhaps I'll host another contest one of these days---this was such fun and you all are so clever!


  1. Oh thank you, Miss Dashwood. :) I am highly honored that you and the Anne-girl thought my little missive worthy of such fame. ;) And congratulations to the other winners! :)

  2. You're welcome, Rachel--I had such a hard time choosing between your two fabulous letters! :)

  3. Wow, thank you very much! I'm glad I was able to amuse you :) I'd love it if you did another event or competition like this...I had such fun taking part!


  4. Yay! What lovely results! Abby and Rachel's letters were both so entertaining to read and so in character!

    I'm very honored to be in third place! What a lovely button Miss Dashwood! I will greatly enjoy displaying it on my blog!

    Congrats to everyone else who entered, I so enjoyed reading everyone else's letters! And much thanks to you Miss Dashwood and to Anne-girl for hosting and judging! :)

  5. I have had such fun reading these! Miss Dashwood, dear, you are so talented at coming up with such delightful and unusual contests! :)

    Congratulations to all the winners! I especially enjoyed Mr. John Knightley's :)

  6. I am highly honored that you and the Anne-girl thought my little missive worthy of such fame. ;) And congratulations to the other winners! :) print plastic cards


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