
Friday, December 23, 2011

My Sister's Blog!

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I am quite excited to tell you that my esteemed patroness--er, sister-- the Anne-girl has given me permission to link to her blog, Scribblings of my Pen.  She started this blog just a couple of months ago and is using it to write all about her writing. :) There, you can read excerpts from her NaNoWriMo novel and short stories she's written.  You have seen samples of her poetry, now you may read some more of her writing!  I am quite proud of her, in case you couldn't tell. :)

One thing I must add: Anne's blog is private, so in order to view it you must be invited.  In order to be invited, leave me a comment here with your e-mail address and I will make sure you get an invitation.  (If you don't wish your e-mail address to be published, just let me know and I won't publish the comment.)  If you know I already have your e-mail, just say you want an invitation and I will make sure you get one.

One thing more: I suggest you get this piano tuned.  (Sorry.  I've seen Mary Poppins too many times.)  I meant to say that since Scribblings of my Pen is private, you will not receive updates from it on your Dashboard.  Blogger is quirky that way, and private blogs don't have feeds that connect to your Dashboard (not sure how that works).  Anyway, in order to see new posts, you'll have to keep coming back to check Scribblings.  Sorry for any inconvenience!


  1. I would like to be invited! =) You've got my email already.

    I've been getting pageviews from this blog and didn't know what it was because I could never go to it! ;-) Haha! Now I know.

    Have you READ Mary Poppins? It is REALLY weird. o.o

  2. Melody,
    Okay, e-mail's on the way! I actually never read the first Mary Poppins book, because my mom thought Mary Poppins was too mean in that one. But I did read a couple of the sequels, later on, and I liked them. Very different from the movie though. :)

    Hayden and Eowyn, I've given Anne your addresses but I didn't post them. :)

  3. Thanks for being interested everyone! The invites are on the way.

    Melody: My dashboard is funny and won't let me reach your blog(or pretty much anyone else's). So I put all the blogs I like to read on a page on my blog and I reach them by clicking on the links.

    I'm just so excited that some of you will be reading my blog, I enjoy reading all of yours so much.

  4. Abby, Jemimah and Julia:
    I sent Anne your e-mail addresses and your invitations will arrive soon!

  5. Aha! We have caught you at last, Anne-girl! I was wondering why in the blue blazes you *didn't* have a blog, never realizing you did after all. You've been holding out on us! ;) I would love an invitation! :)
    My email is as follows:

    Thanks! ~Rachel

  6. Eva-Joy and Rachel, your invites are on their way! Rachel, I hope you don't mind that I posted your comment--I figured you wouldn't mind since your e-mail is already on your blog anyway.

  7. Ella, I've given Anne your address and she will send you an invitation promptly!

  8. Thanks!
    I visted her blog and liked it:)


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