
Friday, April 6, 2012

And I Don't Even Speak Polish...

...but this is absolutely, incredibly phenomenal. Watch and prepare to have your socks blown off by the amazing-ness.


  1. OH. MY. WORD. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS SOOOO GOOD!!! Oh my goodness, I'm breathless!!!

    Haha! I love how all the girls start screaming when the guy in sunglasses starts singing. =)

    And then the banners and flags and everything.. AHHHH!!! I'm gonna go watch it again!!!! =)

    (I love Flash Mobs!! I so want to be a part of one some day!)

  2. *sigh* I want to be part of a flash mob.

  3. Petie,
    Haha, I girls in general just scream over Enjolras in general... not that *we* would ever do such a thing... cough, cough. I just adore this. I got shivers down my spine, goosebumps, everything. And all those banners and flags--ahhhhhh. Wow. Have you ever seen any of the Random Acts of Culture flash mobs?

    Oh, me too! Are you familiar with Les Miserables at all?

  4. That.was.amazing!!!! Can you imagine being there?!! Thanks so much for sharing! :D

    I don't know if I could be brave enough to do that sort of a flash mob, where it starts out with one or two people. The looks you get when you spontaneously burst out into song by yourself...all I can say is they're very brave! :}

  5. Ahh, this video makes me so happy! Flash mobs are so brilliant...I'd love to be part of one :D I tried to sing along in English, but it turns out I don't know enough of the words, haha!


  6. Oh, my word! That was SOO cool! *sigh* Why don't things like that happen where *I* live?! I don't even speak Polish but it was still AMAZING...

    I was seriously smiling the ENTIRE time I watched it - both times, actually. : ) Can't wait! My sister and I got tickets to the musical for our birthdays... YAHOO!!! I've been waiting for what seems like FOREVER and it's almost here!!! AND, to top all that, I just found out that our Javert is Hadley Fraser, the guy who played Raoul in the 25th anniversary performance of Phantom of the Opera, which I just got a DVD of!!! Love his voice! I'll tell you how it is... : )

    Anyway, thanks so much for posting that. I need to watch it again now.... lol!


  7. Okay...this is seriously awesome. Polish people are awesome.

    And I'm not just saying that because I am Polish....

    Some friends and I thought it would be super fun to start a flash mob with the song "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast.

    I want to watch this again :)

  8. THIS WAS AMAZING. Being in a musical flash mob is on my bucket list. :-D

    Hayden, "Belle" would be amazing! I think that "Masquerade" from POTO would be another really cool one. :-)

  9. Who needs to speak the language, the performance was every bit as moving as it would have been at the theater. Brings a tear to the eye...

  10. This is so cool! Some of the shoppers looked a bit frightened though, especially when "Enjo" started singing. hehe :)
    Brought tears to my eyes at the awesomeness, even though it's in another language it's easy to understand! :)


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