
Sunday, April 15, 2012

In Which Your 'Satiable Curiosity is Satiated

(Yes, random reference to Rudyard Kipling's The Elephant's Child in the title...)

This question thingy has been super-fun! Without ado (I haven't really ado'ed at all yet, so I can't say "without further ado"), here are the answers you've been waiting on tenterhooks for.  (Oh, and I have a question for you: what are tenterhooks?)

Ashley asked...

Outside of period drama, what are some of your loves?

Reading, writing, cooking/baking/cake decorating and bike riding are some of my favorite things to do.  And talking with friends is another favorite.  Singing with my siblings, also.  Loudly. :D

Top 5 favorite blogs?

(I'm not including my sister's blog on here because y'all know I love that one, and so that gives me an excuse to technically list six instead of five, since I just mentioned her blog. :D)

Regency Delight
Old-Fashioned Charm
Miss Georgiana Darcy
Of Trims and Frills and Furbelows
The Inkpen Authoress

(and there are tons and tons of other blogs that I absolutely love-- I just couldn't fit them all in a list of five!)

What are you currently reading?

I'm on the last chapter of David Copperfield, but it's been kinda on hold for the past month or so, so I really couldn't say I'm "currently reading" it.  So what I'm currently enjoying would be Agatha Christie's Tommy and Tuppence series.  And I read my first Hercule Poirot novel this week and loved it.  I'm also currently dabbling in Northanger Abbey.  Sigh of pure happiness...

What movies have you yet to see, but wish to?

The Young Victoria, Sense and Sensibility 08, Night at the Museum, North and South and Cars.  (Yes, I happen to like Pixar movies.  Your point?) Oh, and of course Les Miserables 2012.

Have you ever been to a period drama ball, or some other gala affair that requires dressing up?

Ha, ha.  I wish! Nope, sorry, never have.

Rose M. asked...

Was there anything/anyone in particular that inspired you to blog?

Writing is my passion, so that was a given, and I really liked the idea of connecting with a community of like-minded people who enjoyed the same kinds of things that I enjoy.  And it just kinda... went from there.

What's your favorite thing to blog about?

Characters in books and movies.  I love studying people, and have been known to go into long-winded discourses about why I love or hate or have no sympathy for such-and-such character in such-and-such book/movie.

Where do you wish you lived?

I would love to live in a lighthouse on Prince Edward Island.  Pipe dream there.  Or else... the English countryside.  Yes.

In writing stories, what is the hardest part for you (introducing characters, etc.)?

Plot, definitely.  I have the most tremendous fun creating characters and writing dialogue for said characters, but when it comes to actually moving the story along... "it's a total mystery to me."  (Edmund Sparkler)

What do you say about the common advice about writing about what you know very well (the time you live in, where you live, etc.)?

Well, in actual fact, I'll be addressing this very topic quite soon at my brand-new writing blog, The Quest for Stories.  So why don't you all hop over there and start following (not like that's a hint or anything) so that you'll know right away when I write a post on that subject?

Charity asked...

Have you read Jane Eyre? Seen any movie versions? Read anything else by the Brontes?

I have indeed read Jane Eyre, and it's one of my favorite classic novels.  I haven't seen any movie versions yet, but I'd like to see the 2011 adaptation with Mia Ican'tspellherlastname and Michael Fassbender.  I've also read Wuthering Heights, which I despised (do not speak to me of that dreadful Heathcliff at this time) and I started Agnes Grey, but got bored with it.  I would like to read Villette at some point, though.

Why Miss Dashwood and not Miss Woodhouse or Bennet?

Because I identify more with Elinor Dashwood than any other Austen heroine, even Elizabeth Bennet (though I love Lizzy) and also because I wanted a username that wasn't already taken.  From the limited perusing I'd done of other period drama related blogs before I started my own, I knew that there were already a couple of Elizabeth Bennets and at least one Elinor Dashwood out there, so I decided to become the ambiguous Miss Dashwood.  Originally I had intended the name to apply to either Elinor or Marianne, but it didn't take me long to decide that I was Elinor after all.

Elinor Dashwood or Anne Elliot?

Elinor Dashwood, definitely.

"Favorite" villain? (yes, you're getting some of Miss Georgiana's questions -- I'm curious!)

I have a real soft spot for Frank Churchill of Emma, despite his bad qualities. And Inspector Javert from Les Miserables would probably have to be my very favorite-est villain ever.

Favorite period drama actors (up to three)?

Alun Armstrong, Romola Garai and Anthony Andrews.

Some favorite not Jane Austen books?

Wives and Daughters, Jane Eyre, Little Dorrit, Great Expectations, David Copperfield, Not My Will, The Hiding Place, Two Are Better Than One, The Scarlet Pimpernel, El Dorado, The Elusive Pimpernel, Johnny Tremain, The Star of Kazan, The Penderwicks, The Secret Adversary, At Home in Mitford, North and South, Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Eight Cousins, The Secret Garden... shall I go on? :D

Anne Shirley or Emma Woodhouse?

Anne Shirley.  Without a doubt.  Sorry, Emmer.

Somersaulting Through Life asked...

Which is your least favourite period drama adaptation ever?

I didn't care for Mansfield Park (1983), but I don't think there are any period dramas out there that I really truly dislike.  This is probably because I pick and choose my movies super-carefully, and don't like to watch anything unless I'm positive I'll like it! Persuasion (2007) was a real disappointment, too, but I don't know if I'd classify it as least favorite ever.

Are there any film/tv adaptations out there which you found more enjoyable than the original book? (likely to spark off a bit of controversy!)

Little Dorrit is better than the book.  And The Scarlet Pimpernel is better than the original book (the first one), simply because it combines elements of the two best books in the series. :D  And I would say that I enjoyed watching Emma (2009) more than I enjoyed reading the book, but I'm feeling the need to read the book again, so my opinion may change drastically in that respect.

Maria Elisabeth asked...

What are your opinions on poetry?

I'm really not much of a one for poetry.  There are some poems I like-- I was on a big poetry-memorizing kick in sixth and seventh grade, so classics like The Spider and the Fly, Barbara Frietchie and The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere will always be close to my heart, but I'm not a romantic poetry gal.  Except for the classic  Sonnet 116, of course.  "Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds..."  And The Highwayman.  "And he lay... in his blood on the highway... with a bunch of lace... at his throat."

Do you start your stories with knowing the plot pretty well, or do you find it out as you write?

Well, it depends... but I usually find it out as I write.  I generally begin with a premise and a few characters, and it goes from there... or doesn't go.  Depending. ;)  I'm horrible at plots.  I'm working on that.

What's your least favorite school subject?

Science.  Without a doubt.  Literature and history fascinate me, but science and math are not my strong points.  (Math isn't always as bad as science, though.  But of course once you get into chemistry, it's both combined.  Which is not fun.)

What's your candid opinion of Edmund Bertram?

He's boring, doesn't deserve Fanny and isn't really worthy of being an Austen hero.
Well, you did ask for my candid opinion.
(Oh boy, am I ever in for it now.)

Do you quote as much in real life as you do on your blog?

Heehee.  Well, you see, in our house we have a rule about not quoting movies at the table.  This is because dinner conversations would consist of nothing BUT movie quotes otherwise.  But the rule isn't very strictly enforced (except when someone remembers and virtuously reminds the others) so we quote... a lot.  But hey, don't worry about it-- because now I know about Buzz's Spanish mode!

Melody asked...

Would you rather marry Mr. Darcy or Mr. Tilney?

I think Henry Tilney and I would get along better than Mr. Darcy and I would... so I'll go with Mr. Tilney.  Besides, I shouldn't like to be mistress of Pemberley.  It's too big.
(I notice Mr. Knightley never even entered the question, but I guess that's because Melody already knows my opinion of him.)

If you had to write a sequel to a Jane Austen novel, which one would you choose?

Sense and Sensibility, I think.  Or Northanger Abbey.

Who do you consider yourself more like: Elinor Dashwood or Anne Shirley?

I'm probably more like Elinor-- I identify with Anne, but not as much as my sister does.

Will you be good enough to list the Jane Austen heroines from favorite to not-so-favorite? (Because really, none of them can be called "least favorite," right?)

(Well, I have a really hard time deciding between Lizzy and Elinor for the top spot, so I'll just put them there together.)
  • Elizabeth Bennet and Elinor Dashwood
  • Emma Woodhouse
  • Marianne Dashwood
  • Catherine Morland
  • Fanny Price
  • Anne Elliot
(And no offense to poor Anne-- as Melody said, I don't think any of them could be called "least favorite".)

Are there any particular phrases you come across in books that you find just plain irksome?

I hate it when an author talks about a hero's strong arms.  I don't know why, but this just annoys me to no end.  If you must mention his arms, fine, but do you need to keep reminding us how strong they are? Does it really matter?  It does not, unless he's actually in the act of wrestling a bear.   Someday I'm going to write a book with a hero who can't lift a toothpick.  And wrestles bears anyway.  Just to be different.

Abby asked...

What colour is your bedroom?

Pale pink, a shade that the paint store calls Fragrant Rose.

How tall are you?

Five feet, six inches.  If I stand up absolutely straight and breathe deeply.

What is your favourite chore? (or the one you dislike the least, anyway!)

I really enjoy vacuuming.  It's fun and it's a good opportunity to sing at the top of my lungs without anyone pounding on the wall in the next room because they can't hear themselves think.  And the roar of the vacuum masks any squeakiness in the end cadenza of Think of Me. :D

Do you have a favourite artist? If so, who is it?

I'm not much for art, but I really enjoy Norman Rockwell's paintings because they always seem to tell a story.  This one, this one and this one (I can identify with that experience) are some of my favorites.  I have this one hanging in my bedroom.

Which invention from the last 100 years do you think is the most brilliant?

The Internet's pretty amazing. :D

Eowyn asked...

How many siblings do you have?

Four--three sisters and one brother, all younger than I.  They are not all shorter than I, however.  'Nuff said.

Have you ever actually finished anything you've written (e.g. short stories, novels, etc)?

I've finished several short stories and a medium-length nonfiction book, but as yet I have never finished a novel.

Are you homeschooled?

I am indeed, and have been since I can remember.  I'm finishing eleventh grade right now, and I wouldn't trade the experience of being homeschooled for anything.

Eowyn and Lydia both asked...

Where do you live (in the US or someplace else)?

I live in the eastern United States, but I'm not going to get any more detailed than that for security reasons. :D

Charity and Eowyn both asked...

Any favorite not-period-drama movies? Unheard of question, I know...

Well, I really love musicals, but I'm not sure if they apply in this case, as I think you might have been referring to more modern-day films, but the fact is that I have seen very, very few movies that take place in present-day.  (Excluding animated films, of course---which I do love.)  I really enjoy Roman Holiday--does that count?

Charity and Maria Elisabeth both asked...

What inspired your blog name? What made you call this blog 'Yet Another Period Drama Blog' instead of, well, anything else?

You would not believe how many names I considered and rejected when starting this blog... but finally, after what seemed like eons of staring at the Blogger page and mindlessly tapping my fingers on my desk, I decided to simply call it "yet another period drama blog" simply because I knew there were already so many blogs in this genre.  I was originally going to call it "yet another Jane Austen blog", actually, but I decided to change Jane Austen to period drama because this blog isn't exclusively made up of Janeite material.  It isn't exclusively period drama material, either, but hey, poetic blogger license here.

Whew! That was a lot of questions, but I had a lot of fun doing that.  If there was anything I skipped over or missed, shout out in the comments, please.  And don't forget to check out my writing blog.  No, I'm not hinting.  I'm not.


  1. Penderwicks are awesome! So is anything by L.M. Alcott. ;)
    I would love to go to Prince Edward island one day.
    You haven't seen Night at the Museum or Young Victoria? Than you need to watch them! (Young Victoria the most)

  2. This post made me mucho happy. I don't even know if that's the proper use of that Spanish word. And Spanish is my dad's first language. I should be shot.

    Awwwwww!!! Thanks for listing moi on your favorite five blogs! (Now I have reverted to French) Sniff!!!

    Hey, I'm reading T&T too! What a coincidence, no? :-P

    OOOOOOOH. You MUST MUST MUST see TYV. It is awesomeness and one of my top five favorite films. It's number four, actually. AND North and South. It's number three. So yes. You must see. And Night at the Museum is a HOOT. Love it. The second one is even better, IMO.

    And ditto, ditto, ditto about Les Miz, of course.

    I'm so glad you feel that way about studying people...I was afraid I was beginning to bore you. Wait until I write a Very Deep Post in response to a question *I* got about a Certain Hero that I'm Crazy About. I can be very deep. oh, but wait. You've read my Fantine post. That was considered deep. So yeah. But anyway. Wait until then! :-D

    Totally true about plot...and yippee about the writing blog!!!

    Nods about Inspector Javert...he's Nick's favorite character and according to him, NOT a villain. Not sure whether or not I totally agree with that, but still deciding.

    Much nodding and squeeeing over the one favorite actor who's initials are AA...and I didn't mean Alun Armstrong. :-P

    And of course, total agreement over TSP the film. Of course.

    Awwww, poetry is nice. I love John Keats. But YES. Love sonnet 116. Love, love, love.

    LOL about the movie quoting...and hehehe about Mr. Darcy. COUGH. :-P

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH about the strong arms. Does the Baroness use that phrase a lot? I don't seem to mind it so much for some odd reason. Hehe.

    SQUEEEE!!! So I LOVE singing while vacuuming!!!!! YAY! GMTA. Seriously.

    Finishing a novel is a WONDERFUL feeling. You can do it, mon ami. :-P

    LOVED THIS to bitty bits!!!

    Now I must needs scurry over to the writing blog...

  3. Someone else who sings 'Think of Me' while doing the vacuuming? O.o.

    I have argued enough with you to know that changing your mind is a hopeless case, but I must maintain that Edmund is as good or better than your beloved Edward. There.

    And since I always answer questions people ask me *smug look* I will ignore the fact that I only found it out with a quick search today and tell you that tenterhooks were used as far back as the fourteenth century in the process of making woollen cloth. After the cloth was woven it still contained oil from the fleece and some dirt. A fuller (also called a tucker or wa[u]lker) cleaned the woollen cloth in a fulling mill, and then had to dry it carefully or the wool would shrink. To prevent this shrinkage, the fuller would place the wet cloth on a large wooden frame, a "tenter", and leave it to dry outdoors. The lengths of wet cloth were stretched on the tenter (from Latin tendere, meaning "to stretch") using hooks (nails driven through the wood) all around the perimeter of the frame to which the cloth's edges (selvedges) were fixed so that as it dried the cloth would retain its shape and size. In manufacturing areas tenter-fields full of these frames were once common.

    Did I just copy and paste that from Wikipedia? Do not suppose me of such a heinous crime.

  4. Vellvin,
    Ooh, you like the Penderwicks too? How swellissimus! Have you read the newest book (Point Mouette)? I think it might be my favorite.

    Incredible coincidence about T&T, definitely. Tell me, are there any actors that you think might fit the part of Tommy Beresford if someone were to hypothetically cast that series? ;P

    I want to see TYV sooooo badly... but there are so many other movies on my to-watch list already! Ooh, I'll be looking forward to that post about the Certain Hero That You're Crazy About. I wonder who it could be?

    Hahahaha, I knew you didn't mean Alun Armstrong when you referenced AA-- but I hadn't noticed that they had the same initials before this! I don't think the Baroness uses the strong arms thingy a lot... I mostly just notice it in more modern fiction.

    Aww, thanks for your words of encouragement, mon ami. I'm almost-nearly-done this novel, but I know there's going to be a whole slew of revising to come...

    Maria Elisabeth,

    Thanks so much for the information about the tenterhooks--and of course I would never suspect you of something so dastardly as plagiarizing Wikipedia. ;)

    I'd be happy to turn this into another 63-comment debate if you so choose-- because I stick to my guns when it comes to Edmund. If he's really such a great guy, why was he so infatuated with someone as shallow as Mary Crawford? Plus, there's nothing truly interesting about him. Now, feel free to fire back at me and list all the reasons why I should like him, for I am quite at my leisure.

    Well, actually, I'm not quite at my leisure-- in point of fact, I have some vacuuming to do right now. Think of Me, coming right up.

  5. Heehee... from what I hear, Cars is kind of stupid... though I haven't seen it myself. Have you seen A Bug's Life? I asked you that but I can't remember what you said exactly. :P

    Hey, you and I should live in a lighthouse together on PEI someday. >:D

    "Mia Ican'tspellherlastname"... haha. I love you. :P

    Ooh... I love The Secret Garden. Have we ever talked about that?

    HAHAHA your candid opinion of Edmund Bertram....
    I chuse to remain silent. :P Especially since I can't think of any good arguments. *Looks around fearfully for Miss Laurie*

    HAHAHA I didn't know you had a rule about not quoting at the table.
    Can you quote BOOKS? :D
    Anyways. I'll have to remember that one. :P

    Emma Woodhouse made 2nd/3rd on your list! :D
    Heehee, your list looks a lot like mine! Except Elinor Dashwood would actually be somewhere on the second half. ...heh. Don't murder me.

    *Snorts* hahaha yes, that annoys me too. As you know.

    Ahhh, your bedroom colour must be divine...

    Shnibly, you didn't say "up-and-down thingy". Haha. ;-)

    You should be glad, for my sake, that you are not the tallest sibling. Because if you were, I would be scared to meet you in real life. :P

    the fact is that I have seen very, very few movies that take place in present-day.
    I knew we was Tweens.

    Fun reading all this, dearest.

  6. Think of meeeee, think of me fondly when we've said good-byyyyye...

    Sorry. :-P Hmmm! I will be thinking Oh So Hard about the hypothetical Tommy casting. WHO could it POSSIBLY be?! :-P

    Off to listen to IDAD, btw...

  7. Melody,
    Nope, haven't seen A Bug's Life-- have you? Is it anywhere near as good as Toy Story or Up?

    Ditto about the lighthouse, dearie. Indubitably.

    You know, I don't think we ever have talked about The Secret Garden, except maybe a brief mention of the movie... I LOVE that book.

    About Edmund B--well, you have the right to remain silent. :D

    Hahahaha, like I said, the quoting rule is very loosely enforced. And it really doesn't apply to books at all. :D

    Nope, didn't say "up-and-down thingy" tootuz now I know the RIGHT word. :D And yes, I knew we was Tweens. Right from the very beginning.


    "Can it be? Can it be Christine....? BRAVO!"

    My brother always cracks up laughing at that part. IDK why, but it's adorable.

  8. Actually, I proberly like it better than Toy Story... but it's been a while since I've seen it. And I can't really compare it to Up, as I've only seen that one once. It seems different though, because it's... one of the newer ones. Kind of hard to explain. Like, Toy Story and Bug's Life are connected with my childhood in my mind, and Up isn't. haha

    I love that book, too! :D I've read it at least twice which is actually something for me... haha. Though when I reread it, I felt bad because I had never finished A Little Princess... haha.

    But, even when one knows the right word, the wrong ones are kind of fun to say. Heehee. ;-)
    Haha, yeah, the Tween thing is kind of old news... but 'tis fun to say anyways. :D

    BTW, the 'can it be Christine' part usually Makes MG, too... :P

  9. No, haven't read that one yet. Dad's reading it aloud to us.

  10. What? I also have four younger siblings...three sisters, one brother. None older. And one taller. :P And I'm 5'5"1/2. :) Or maybe 5'6". :)

    oh wow...I'm also finishing eleventh grade. And love being homeschooled. And would definitely choose to be homeschooled if given the choice. Who knew we were so alike??!?!?

    I really want to see "Young Victoria." brother loves it, so we've seen it too many times. :P "North and South" was too gloomy for me. And S&S 08 was good! :)

    Delightful answers!

  11. I've seen all the movies on your list, except for The Young Victoria (which I want to see) and, of course, Les Miserables (which I REALLY want to see, but it's coming out the same day as The Hobbit, so, sadly, it will have to wait. HA!)

    You've never been to a period drama ball?! The scandal! They're SO much fun - especially with dancing cards. : )

    Huh... I think coming up with the characters is hardest. I can come up with a plot fine (I come up with different plots VERY often and have to somehow put them in books I'm already writing), but I can never seem to make my characters believable. (I've already hopped over to you blog and love it!)

    Love all those Not Jane Austen books! Haven't read a few of them... Have you read the sequel to Eight Cousins? *sigh* I love Eight Cousins and Rose in Bloom with a PASSION!! And I also really loved The Penderwicks (and all the sequels). It's so hard to find a good book these days... I totally skip the teen section at the library and book stores. : P

    The Scarlet Pimpernel movie better than the book... hmm, I think I agree with that. (But both the book and the movie are amazing!)

    A rule about not quoting movies at the table! HA! We need one of those. : D

    A hero's strong arms - ha! Yeah, I can't stand much physical description, either.

    Ugh, I think I'm going to be the shortest, too. : P It's not fun...

    I've never finished a novel, either. Short stories, yes - I have a series I'm doing. A medium-length nonfiction book! On what, may I ask?

    Sweet, another homeschooler! I love being homeschooled, too!

    Eastern US - me, too!

    Totally agree with you on the movies, thing. There aren't very many movies today that are family-friendly - or even ME-friendly. Arg. Except Pixar. : ) Love Pixar movies. Ooh, Roman Holiday! That was a good movie!

    Whew, that was long. : ) Thanks for answering my questions!

  12. Haha! I laughed quite hard over your "strong arms" speech. ;-)

  13. Ooh, I neglected to mention: I was much honoured by my spot on and in your favorite blogs list! Thank you, dearling. :)


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