
Monday, April 23, 2012

Keep Calm, I've Selected The Finalists

The Keep Calm contest has closed its doors to entries, and after much debate and delay and dillydallying, I've chosen five six finalists.  (I couldn't choose only five, I just couldn't.)  Thanks so much to everyone who entered, and a big shout-out to birdienl for providing a link to a Keep Calm image generator! Two of the finalist submissions were not made into images, so I used the image generator to create posters for those entries.  Thanks so much for the link, birdienl!

And now, the finalists are (in no particular order...)

Made by Jemimah C.

Created by Payton

Made by Maria Elisabeth

Created by Eowyn

Made by Rhoswen Faerie Wrose

Made by Jessica (Safirewriter)
Please vote in the poll on the right sidebar for your favorite!


  1. hahahahahaha!!! Okay, I admit the second and last ones are my favorites (though they are all uh-mazing) :)
    Try not to kill my dogs... favorite line of that movie EVER :)

  2. Eek! I can't believe you chose one of mine for a finalist. Thank you, Miss Dashwood! This has been immensely enjoyable. It's been absolutely fun reading and looking at everyone's Keep Calm posters.

  3. Ahh, they're all so amazing. I literally CANNOT pick just one. Can't do it.

  4. Love the Try not to Kill my Dogs one. This was so much fun. (for the record, I like yours best) I just said it! Ahhhhh... (:

  5. OH... I knew I forgot something. I so do wish some of Charitys buttons were in this list. (: But do not think I blame you. I love all these! OH yes... I'm and voting for............................................................................

    "She is not handsome enough to temp Mr. Darcy."I think it IS the best. (:


  6. Eep! I'm so excited you chose mine!! =) I absolutely adored everyone else's posters. They were marvelous!

  7. These had me cracking up.... now off to vote! ;)

  8. I made it into the finals? Aaah!! Thank you so much! ^.^
    And all the posters are so hard to choose!

  9. I voted for "Keep calm and apologize for not turning Georgiana's pages", just because it reminded me so well of that scene in P&P and.. well, I love that scene. ;)

  10. Wow, I'm in the finalists! Sweetness! : ) Thanks!


  11. All the finalist are quite delightful! I think my favorite is the Wedding Cake one, so funny! :)

    Mousie, I was wondering would you mind if I stole your Keep Calm idea (well I'd change it a bit)? If you do just send me an e-mail or comment. You do think of the best contest ideas! :)


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