
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Keep Calm, We Have A Winner

Congratulations to Jessica of Safirewriter on winning the Jane Austen Keep Calm contest! The public has voted, and Jessica's hilarious poster has been proclaimed the winner.

Congratulations, Jessica-- and thank you to everyone else for entering!


  1. OH... goody!
    She won. I hoped she would. :0


  2. Congratulations Jessica! Your posts is very witty and a nice tribute to Pride & Prejudice and dear Miss Austen! :)

    Thanks again for hosting this contest Miss Dashwood, it was so much fun!

  3. Aw! *blush* I feel so honored...

    Thank you for holding the contest Miss Dashwood it was sooo much fun!


  4. Congrats, Jessica! I voted for yours and hoped you'd win!! : )



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