
Saturday, August 4, 2012

S&S 2008 Trailer

If y'all have been waiting on tenterhooks today for the S&S review I promised--and I'm quite sure you have been, right? Right?--well, I hate to let you down, but the review's not done yet.  So to tide you over until I get it posted (Monday, hopefully) I'm sharing a trailer I created for S&S08.  I used clips from the series, the theme music, and some of the voice-over from the DVD promo (which I don't really like... but at least it has voice-over. )

I'm still pretty new at the movie-making thing so the trailer's a bit choppy in places, but I'm working on that.  :D (And I don't know how to get rid of that ugly green thing on the side.  Ugh.)  But overlooking all that... enjoy! (Oh, and thanks to Miss Laurie for providing the soundbites for the theme music on her S&S YouTube video.)


  1. Ahhh! Can't wait for your review! I liked S&S2008 very much, but I think I still prefer the 1995 version more. Though I think it would be great if both versions could merge together with the good parts from both versions and create a super version of S&S, but alas! such things don't happen...

  2. Hey, you didn't tell me you were making a trailer! (No, Melody. She does not have to tell you everything. :P) I'm doing you the honour of commenting anyways. *snort* Um. Sorry. Late at night.

    I like it! And yay, a trailer without an *ahem* clip from the scene we don't like in it... :D We should link to this on you-know-what instead of the other one. :)

  3. Hello, excuse my impertinence, but I thought you might be interested in this.

  4. Lovely, lovely, lovely! S&S 2008 is such a good miniseries. Incidentally, what do you use to make your trailers?

  5. Ah! I haven't complimented you on your trailer! Very well done! And something I think us bloggers can go on Youtube and repost without a certain scene. Thank you!

  6. New follower chiming in...

    Nice trailer. And I really like this adaption of "Sense and Sensibility."

    Funny thing, I jerked with fright and my blood ran cold when I saw David Morrissey enter as Col. Brandon as I'd only known him for playing the School Master, Mr. Headstone, in "Our Mutual Friend." I wanted to shout, "Run away, Marianne, run away!"

  7. I agreed with EVERY thing you said :)

    Oh, and you've been tagged! :)


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