
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Today We Bring You Bits of Random

To begin with, Miss Laurie is hosting a Period Drama Don't Keep Calm contest over at Old-Fashioned Charm, and since contests are my one weakness, I couldn't resist entering.  My three entries are as follows...

Les Miserables

Pride and Prejudice (1995)

Northanger Abbey
The contest ends tomorrow night, so go enter!

In other news... Kellie over at Accordion to Kellie is hosting a special Black Friday giveaway--a gift card to her delightful Etsy shop, Kellie Falconer Design.  Check out this post for details on how to enter, and don't forget to stop by her adorable shop while you're at it!

It's that giveaway time of the year, I think, because Jenny and Abigail are co-hosting a birthday party for their respective novels, The Shadow Things and The Soldier's Cross.  They're answering questions, blogging about all sorts of novel-related things, and hosting a giveaway.  I've read both books, and I mean it when I say that you should too.  Go here for more details! 


Also, I guest posted on Elizabeth Rose's blog today.  "I'm a writer, and I know many of you are too.  I've been writing for almost as long as I can remember.  In the early years of my scribbling, the stories I hand-wrote on computer paper and stapled together all had at least one thing in common.  And that was, to put it bluntly, plagiarism..." (Go here to read the rest.)

Lat but not least, I'll be popping up on Charity's blog tomorrow as a guest poster for her musicals week as well, so don't forget to go there if you get a chance.  (Anyone wanna guess which musical I'll be rambling about?) And since I won't be back on here until this weekend at the earliest, a happy Thanksgiving to you all!

What have you been up to this week?


  1. Oh, oh, I LOVE the Les Mis one, and also the Henry Tilney one.

    Hmm, what musical could make Amy ramble?? Methinks it must have something to do with France, and perhaps a red vest of power?? :)

    I just got home from a trip to our local museum to see an exhibit on the treasures of King Tut's tomb. AMAZING! Loved it!! I'll have to post about it....

  2. Amy, I love the posters, and the second one cracked me up, of course! The third one was great too!

  3. Thanks so much for entering Mouse! I love your sense of humor and these posters are most delightful! :)

    Looking forward to your post on "the musical".

    Hope you had a very Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  4. I love your posters, Chauvie!!

    Oooh, and a post about a certain musical??? Let me guess..... PUPPIES!!!!

  5. Oh... wait. I was wrong. :P No puppies involved, sadly...

  6. Hello Amy!
    I have awarded you at my blog:
    Please take a look :).

    ~ Emily
    (P.S. My "name" used to be Miss Georgiana Darcy)


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