
Saturday, December 22, 2012

And the Winner Is...

I shall not try your patience, lovely readers, with much ado about nothing, so without further deliberation I present to you the winner of Monday's giveaway-- the fortunate blog reader who has been honored with an autographed copy of Annabeth's War by our very own Jessica Greyson.

*trumpets, please*

Let us all congratulate...

Padmé Arya Éowyn Istalrí Skywalker!

Padme, please send me an email at your earliest convenience to missdashwood95[at]gmail[dot]com with your shipping information, and I will forward it to Jessica so she can get your autographed book mailed off! Congratulations!

To all those of you who did not win (and there are quite a few of you... eighty-five entries in total, wow!): you can still obtain a copy for yourself on Etsy or Amazon.  Annabeth's War would make a great Christmas present...

A big thank you to everyone who entered the giveaway, and the biggest thank you of all to Jessica for sponsoring it!

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