
Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'd Like to Share: August 2013

Welcome, welcome, welcome to the first convention of the I'd Like to Share event, a monthly blogging link-up on Yet Another Period Drama Blog! (Yes, thank you Mary, everyone reading this is already on YAPDB and therefore you don't need to tell them where they are, unless they're Dory and have forgotten already...)

In case you don't remember what-the-Gaskell is going on here, visit this post for more details.  And now for the list!

In the Informative category...
Eva nominated Miss Jane Bennet for Defending Enjolras 

In the Humorous category...
Miss Dashwood nominated Anne-girl for Barbie Dolls
Miss Jane Bennet nominated Country Girl and Miss Dashwood for Like You've Never Heard Us Ooh and Ahh (Why Michael Ball is Epic and Nick Jonas is Not)

In the Just Plain Interesting category...
Annaliese nominated Miss Laurie for Jane Austen Festival 2013
Anne-girl nominated Jake for Why You Shouldn't Be a Writer

In the Inspirational category...
Jessica Greyson nominated Katherine Sophia for Perfect
Maddie Rose nominated Jenn for Thoughts- Surrender and Stuff

A great big thank-you to everyone who participated!  Hopefully, everyone got a chance to discover at least one new blog post through this.  The comment box is currently open at the ILTS page for your September nominations... just sayin'...


  1. It's Elise McKenna!!!! That button is just plain GORGEOUS. Have you seen Somewhere in Time, Miss Dashwood?
    I was going to nominate a post, I really was, but I just couldn't decide on one! Next month, hopefully, I will participate. : )


  2. Hey Emma! Nope, I'm afraid I haven't seen Somewhere in Time (thought I intend to see it someday... after I watch all the other movies on my list... haha...) but I came across that picture and thought it too beautiful to waste. :D No worries about not nominating-- this is to be a monthly feature, so you can participate at any time!

  3. My name is Alexandra from Of Trims and Frills and Furbelows and I approve of this button. :P

  4. I love the August button! I've discovered two new blogs from this link-up already. I'm looking forward to future editions and I'll be looking out for posts to nominate! Great idea, Miss Dashwood! =)


I love comments and enjoy each and every one I receive!
I've enabled comment moderation, so don't worry if your comment doesn't appear right away.
Please keep your words uplifting and edifying, and remember the wise words of Mrs Dashwood: "If you cannot think of anything appropriate to say you will please restrict your remarks to the weather." (Also, if you're commenting as Anonymous, please leave a name or pseudonym of some sort!)