
Saturday, November 1, 2014

I'd Like to Share: November (and October!) 2014

As mentioned in a previous post, I dropped the ball for I'd Like to Share in October, so this month's list contains nominations from September AND October!  Double feature!  Yay!

In the Humorous category...

Miss Elliot nominated Anne-girl for Les Amis Meet Horace and Elsie (But Mostly Horace)
Emily Blakeney nominated Elizabethany for Symptoms of Mizziness

In the Inspirational category...

Ashley nominated Natalie D. Monk for Kate Middleton's Secret
Sara Lewis nominated David Mitchel for J.S. Bach Rides Through L'enfant Plaza
Miss Dashwood nominated Rachel Heffington for To the Girl Who Has Three Lives
Miss Dashwood nominated Maribeth for A Mighty Fortress
Naomi Bennet nominated Melody for The Gift of Friendship

In the Informative category...

Naomi Bennet nominated Emma Jane for The Six Stages of Writing
Hanna nominated Kelly Davio for Flannery O'Connor, Ambition and the Illusion of Spare Time

In the Just Plain Interesting category...

Melody nominated Jenn Granneman for Why Some Relationships Create Energy for Introverts

In the Miscellaneous category...

The Author nominated Miss Georgiana Darcy for I Have a Most Unaccountable Partiality For...
Livia Rachelle nominated Olivia for Let's Talk: Being in the Know is Not a Virtue

Congratulations to everyone who correctly identified Edmund Sparkler from Little Dorrit as the speaker of September's quote.   Can you guess who said this one?

"Ah, _____, you are full of the charitable feelings for the young ladies who are beautiful, hmmm? As for me, I am always full of the charitable feelings to the old ladies that have the maladies."

Next up on Yet Another Period Drama Blog... the long-awaited Janeite tag.  It's been languishing in my drafts far too long!


  1. Well, *I* know where that quote came from... because Reasons. :D :D But I shan't spoil it for everybody else who wants to guess. ;)

  2. I haven't really read les Mis, but I have the feeling that quote comes from Jean Valjean. Maybe?


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