
Friday, August 1, 2014

I'd Like to Share: August 2014

Rather slim pickings this month, I'm afraid, but hopefully we shall have more nominees in September.  (HOW CAN IT BE AUGUST ALREADY.  WHAT IS HAPPENING.)

In the Inspirational category...

Miss Dashwood nominated Ann Voskamp for How Women Can Stop Judging Each Other
Kiri Liz nominated Hayden for Why I Loved Being Homeschooled
Lizzie nominated Hayden for Turn Left

In the Humorous category...

Miss Jane Bennet nominated Marissa Baker for The Mystery of the Weigh Stations
Miss Elliot nominated Miss Dashwood for Lorna Doone (2000) Review

In the Informative category...

Naomi nominated Elizabethany for I Write

In the Just Plain Interesting Category...

The Elf nominated Haley for In Defense of Fanny Price
Hamlette nominated Anna Ilona Mussman for Dilemma-Framing: Why The Hunger Games Needs Yellow Boots

In the Miscellaneous category...

Sara Lewis nominated Elizabeth Rose for Sweeter Than Wine

Kudos to everyone who correctly guessed that last month's quote (about the beetles) was spoken by Miss Phoebe Browning of Wives and Daughters.  This month's line is as follows:

"Are you coming in, Henrietta, or is my cottage insufficiently grand for you?"

Your submissions for the September edition may go here.  :)


  1. Quote from "Persuasion" spoken by Anne's sister Mary. :)

  2. I just looked at the I'd Like to Share Page and Amy, did you realise that this series of yours has now gone on for a YEAR? How has one year gone that fast? Time flies ;)

  3. Hey, Amy? There were a few of us who left our nominations on the wrong page, so you're actually missing a few. I think we all left links on July's I'd Like To Share post, not your ILTS page. Sorry if this was an inconvenience for you!

  4. The link for The Mystery of the Weigh Stations goes to A Holy Experience also...

  5. I'm with Kiri! I put mine there too because the post said something like "nominations can go on this page" which I took to mean the page I was reading. I realize now you probably had a link for the word "this" and I didn't notice. Oops!


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