Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Scarlet Pimpernel Trivia Quiz

Leave your answers in a comment, and on Monday I shall publish the correct answers, and whoever won will receive honor, fame and glory.  You know how quizzes work.

Scoring is as follows: 1 point for each correctly answered trivia question about the books and movies, 2 points for each correctly answered quote question (identifying which movie or book it comes from)-- 1 point for identifying whether the quote comes from a movie or a book, but not specifying which one.   The quotes are things Sir Percy said.  So you needn't worry about identifying the character. :P

Please DO NOT use IMDb or any other source to find answers to the questions, especially as regards the quotes... just answer off the top of your head to the best of your ability.

Books and Movies

1. What color is Marguerite’s hair in the books?

2. What is the name of the actor who plays Chauvelin in the 1934 movie?

3. Sir Percy’s catchphrase “sink me!” only appears once in the original book series... do you know which book?

4. What is the name of Lord Tony’s wife? (she has a whole book named after her, but Baroness Orczy couldn’t be bothered to call her by her actual name...)

5. What is the name of the man who ends up "spiriting away" the dauphin at the end of the 1982 film?

6. What is the name of Sir Percy's yacht?

7. Who does Suzanne de Tournay end up marrying at the end of the first novel?

What distinctive article of clothing (other than his always-flawless cravat) is Sir Percy wearing in the scene where he attempts to rescue Armand and Louise in the 1982 film?


8. Who is older, Marguerite St. Just or her brother Armand St. Just?  (This question is harder than it seems. :P)


1. "This little revolution of yours is monstrous intolerable."

2. “Believe me, I have enjoyed life so much these past two years, I would not give up those pleasures even for that of seeing you and your friends have a bath or wear tidy buckles on your boots."

3. “M’dear chap, I never would have dreamt of depriving you of your moment of triumph. Alas, a moment was all that I could spare.”

4. "Approval, sir, in my opinion, demands the attainment of perfection. And in that sense, you rather overrate the charms of your society. I'faith, for one thing, it does seem monstrous ill-dressed for any society, even a new one.

5. "Help you, my dear fellow? Of course, we'll all help you, if you want us. What are we here for but to help each other, as well as those poor wretches who are in trouble through no fault of their own?"

6. "Open up your sleeves, man. Let your ruffles take the air. Let them flow. Let them ripple."


Katie Hanna said...

I can't answer any of these trivia questions cuz I unfortunately know little to nothing about TSP--but I really do like your little collage of pictures at the end :)

Livia Rachelle said...

1. Blonde?

2.Don't know/remember

3. El Dorado?

4. What is the name of Lord Tony’s wife? (she has a whole book named after her, but Baroness Orczy couldn’t be bothered to call her by her actual name...)

5. Baron De Batz or something similar sounding (try not to laugh too hard at that "spelling")

6. The daydream . . . it is nice to have a constant reminder in a blog we all follow . . .

7. Andrew Foulkes or something like that. I am really great with foreign names

What distinctive article of clothing (other than his always-flawless cravat) is Sir Percy wearing in the scene where he attempts to rescue Armand and Louise in the 1982 film? A cape.


8. Armand is older in The Scarlet Pimpernel book and in the book El Dorado he is younger (and also has a totally different, unheroic personality).


1.The 1982 move

2. The Scarlet Pimpernel book?

3.The 1982 Movie

4. 1982 movie

5. 1982 movie

6. The Scarlet Pimpernel book?

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

1. Brunette, I think, but it's been forever since I've read the first book.

2. Ok, did not know there was a movie done in the 30s, so I have no idea.

3. I'm assuming the first one, but like I said, I have very little recollection of details from that book.

4. Didn't know Lord Tony was married.

5. I don't remember.

6. The Day Dream.

7. I'm assuming, and loosely, that it was Sir Andrew.

8. Well, in this scene Sir Percy has quite the impressive cape on, along with a gorgeous cane, and a superb hat. Any or all of them could be it.


8. I always assumed Marguerite.


1. 1982 Scarlet Pimpernel movie

2. No clue

3. 1982 Scarlet Pimpernel movie

4. 1982 Scarlet Pimpernel movie

5. No clue

6. No clue.

Sophie said...

I can answer some of these. Maybe two.

1. Reddish gold. I know that because I saw the movie version of her and thought, "Do real French people have Scottish hair coloring anyway? So maybe they fixed that."

2. Ian McKellen plays it in the 1982. Do I get points for knowing that SINCE I HAVE NEVER SEEN IT?

3. Nope.

4. Nope.

5. Nope.

6. The Daydream. I'm not quite uneducated.

7. Sir Andrew the dear Ducky Airhead of Cuteness.

8. Armand is older, but it is harder than it seems because silly Orczy switched them around in the next book and made Marguerite the supporting arm when Armand did all the supporting in the last one. In case you wanted explanations with complaints, which you probably didn't, old Duck.

I also guess that 1, 3, 4, and 5 are from the books.


Caroline L. said...

I saw the blog post and thought "Pimpernel questions? Pfff! I got this." But then I actually looked through them... you've got some tough ones, and I haven't *shocker* watched or read any Pimpernalia in far, far too long. But here goes, rusty memory and all:

1. Reddish gold... never (EVER) imagined her with that color though, even before I knew who Jane Seymour was.

2. All I can remember is that he also plays Black Michael in "The Prisoner of Zenda" and Boris Karloff in "Arsenic and Old Lace."

3. El Dorado? I used to know *hangs head in shame*

4. Now this is not a problem with my memory. I've actually never read that book.

5. Baron de Batz (confident uncertainty)

6. Oh, the Daydream. Because, what else would he name his favorite yacht?

7. Sir Andrew! D'aw.

8. CAPE! IT'S THE CAPE! *swoons*

9. You know what? This has alllllways confused me! I think it's Armand?

1. TSP82!

2. ???

3. TSP82!

4. TSP82!

5. Uhhhh... I'm woefully out of practice!

6. TSP34?

So, you've inspired me to revisit all the books! Perhaps on my next break from school I will find time to hunker down with a blanket and several Pimpernel novels. Ooo, that sounds nice.

Naomi Pitts said...

Okay, I'm not a big expect, but I'm going to try. :-)

1. Marguerite has red hair in the books. (And she has red hair in the webseries! Yay for book accuracy!)
2. Um... Ian McKellen. SOMETHING Ian. Make that count. Please.
3. I THINK I miiight have spotted it. And I only read the first one: The Scarlet Pimpernel.
4. I'm going to give it a disastrously random guess. Antoinette. (That's SO not going to give me a mark.)
5. Nope. No Idea.
6. The Day Dream.
7. I KNEW this.
(You forgot to number the last question!) I'll number it 7.5 then.
7.5 A cape? Was it a cape?

Bonus Question. (I might as well try.)
8. Is this a trick question? Are they twins? (If they aren't twins, I'm going to go with Marguerite being the older one. (Her wig is bigger, affter all. (No that doesn't mean anything.)))

1. Sir Percy. Sounds a bit like that.
2. Chavelin????
3. Sir Percy. (Although it's probably a trick quote.)
4. Tony?
5. Sir Pircy.
6. Marguerite

Okay, I going to go with that.

I love seeing more posts from you, Amy. It's so good to have more Amy-ness in the blogging word. Just so you know, you Are Much Appreciated. :-)

~ Naomi

Erudessa Aranduriel said...

1: Red Blonde
2:I don't know
3:I think that it is The Scarlet Pimpernel. (I really need to re-read the books!)
4:Yovonne de Kernagon
5:Baron de Batz
6:The Day Dream
7:Sir Andrew Ffoulkes
8:His cape
Bonus:You know I never have been able to quite figure that out, but I think it is Marguerite.


1:1982 movie
2: I'm not sure
3:1982 movie
4:1982 movie
5:Lord Tony's Wife (the book)?
6:No idea.

This was fun!!

Elizabeth said...

"Books and Movies"
1. Ummm, blonde?
3. "Madame La Gullotine" I think. (If that is even the correct title.)
5. Count Debach
6. "The Day Dream"
7. Sir Andrew Ffoulkes
8. Marguerite St. Just

1. I'm guessing the 1982 movie.
2. I'll guess "The Elusive Pimpernel", book 2.
3. 1982 movie
4. 1982 movie.
5. I'm going to guess the 1934 movie. (I have no idea, really.)
6. One of the books?

Melody said...

I'm gonna be bad at this. :P

Books and Movies

1. What color is Marguerite’s hair in the books?
It contradicts itself I thought? Once it says blonde and once it says reddish or golden?

2. What is the name of the actor who plays Chauvelin in the 1934 movie?
Um wut. :P

3. Sir Percy’s catchphrase “sink me!” only appears once in the original book series... do you know which book?
Nooooope. :P

4. What is the name of Lord Tony’s wife? (she has a whole book named after her, but Baroness Orczy couldn’t be bothered to call her by her actual name...)

5. What is the name of the man who ends up "spiriting away" the dauphin at the end of the 1982 film?

6. What is the name of Sir Percy's yacht?

7. Who does Suzanne de Tournay end up marrying at the end of the first novel?
Eh... Andrew? :P

What distinctive article of clothing (other than his always-flawless cravat) is Sir Percy wearing in the scene where he attempts to rescue Armand and Louise in the 1982 film?



8. Who is older, Marguerite St. Just or her brother Armand St. Just? (This question is harder than it seems. :P)

Erm... Marguerite?


1. "This little revolution of yours is monstrous intolerable."
TSP the book?

2. “Believe me, I have enjoyed life so much these past two years, I would not give up those pleasures even for that of seeing you and your friends have a bath or wear tidy buckles on your boots."

3. “M’dear chap, I never would have dreamt of depriving you of your moment of triumph. Alas, a moment was all that I could spare.”

4. "Approval, sir, in my opinion, demands the attainment of perfection. And in that sense, you rather overrate the charms of your society. I'faith, for one thing, it does seem monstrous ill-dressed for any society, even a new one."
Er... El Dorado? :P

5. "Help you, my dear fellow? Of course, we'll all help you, if you want us. What are we here for but to help each other, as well as those poor wretches who are in trouble through no fault of their own?"

6. "Open up your sleeves, man. Let your ruffles take the air. Let them flow. Let them ripple."

Yeah. :P

Vellvin said...

1. Blonde
3. Mamzelle Guillotine
4. ?
5. Sir Andrew
6. The Daydream
7. Sir Andrew
8. His cloak
9 Marguerite

I'm really excited for Masked! :)

Awdur said...

I've only read the first book and only seen the 1982 movie, so we'll see how this goes…

1. Auburn
I'm afraid I couldn't answer 2., 3., or 4. (So I'm doomed to fail the quiz but it's fun anyhow :p)
5. This could be answered by various people. Sir Percy at first, then he hands him off to someone else, though I can't recall whom.
6. The Day Dream.
7. Sir Andrew
A hat.
8. Armand, I believe.

1. 1982 movie
2. I don't recognize that one.
3. The end of the 1982 movie.
4. 1982 movie.
I don't recognize 5. or 6. so I must pass on those.

Lois Tinúviel said...

I'll try my best but unfortunately (and hopefully soon to be remedied) I've only read the first book and seen a couple movie versions. :(
1) I think a honey gold? I don't actually remember from the book but I think you or another blogger mentioned it awhile back.
2) Raymond Massey? I don't remember so well.
3) ?
4) ?
5) I forget!!!! :(
6) The Daydream
7) Lord Andrew?
8) A cape

Bonus questions- No clue! I'd guess Marguerite.

1) Sir Percy, movie
2) ?, book
3) Sir Percy, movie
4) Sir Percy, movie
5) Sir Percy? Book?
6) Sir Percy? book?