Monday, October 23, 2017

In Light of My Last Post...

...I figured I'd better confirm the implications.


Bethany said...

So exciting!!!! Congratulations to you both!!

Miss March said...


Lois Tinúviel said...

Yay! So excited for you! Marriage is amazing!!!! And hard... but mostly AMAZING!!!

*ೃ༄ Jillian said...


Anonymous said...

YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! That is so exciting!! I wish the best for you both!

Natalie said...


Miss Woodhouse said...

IT IS TRUE!!!! So happy for you and Mr. Ferrars!! <3 <3 <3

Sateona said...

Congratulations :D

Katie Hanna said...

Congratulations, dear Miss Dashwood!!!! <3 I wish you and your future husband every happiness.

Sarah said...

Congratulations! Many blessings to you both!

Amaris said...

Yaaayy hooray for you! :D

Olivia said...


Anonymous said...

I have been away from your blog about 2 years. Tonight I thought I would look for it again. What were my shock and delight to discover you're ENGAGED! I am 50 but I love your blog. You remind me of my younger self, plus I enjoy getting ideas for books and movies I will like. So happy for you.

Katherine said...


Unknown said...

I love your blog! It's the best one I have seen from a period-drama-fan perspective <3