Where do we start to describe the epicness of this week? We've been talking all day long. Most of the time in Martha Mahinsky voices. Because that's the way, uh-huh, uh-huh, we like it, uh-huh, uh-huh.
Seriously, this has been awesome. Very relaxed and hilarious and super perf adorbs for realsies because we are Martha Mahinsky, and if you don't know who Martha is, watch this. You know, they say a picture's worth a thousand words... should we show them a picture?
Sure. Pictures in posts about a week together is usually a good idea. That's what people DO, you know.
Us! |
Okay, here's a picture. We've been quoting Moriarty pretty much constantly, too. And then we switch back to Martha. Sorry boys, we're SOOOOOOO changeable!
Where to start? Amy got in Tuesday, and we hung out that evening and then completely freaked her out with the first episode of Sherlock. In a good way. :D Wednesday we talked about deep, deep things for several hours first thing that morning (first deep conversation of many that day), adopted our Martha voices (and fangirled a bit over a guy who Martha calls Aaron Tater Tot), and worked on top-secret project that will not be revealed to the public just yet.
Amy, Belle and Ally |
Ally's sister Belle, by the way, has been our confederate in the Martha-ing. And in a lot of other things as well. Like Sherlock fangirling and seeing Frozen at the theatre (my first time!) in which Kristoff completely stole our hearts. <3 data-blogger-escaped-font="">
Wednesday night we introduced Amy to one of our favorite games, Seven-Up, watched The Blind Banker, and then saw Austenland, which we had just bought on DVD. I thought it was adorable, personally. JJ Feild, people, yes, yes.
Belle with Tom Hiddleston :P |
And we agreed that he and Tom Hiddleston look enough alike to play Sydney Carton and Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities. Dream cast, folks. Oh, and take a look at this picture that Belle drew of Tom Hiddleston... how cool is THAT. She's incredibly talented.
Thursday we worked on the guest posts for the A Tale of Two Cities blog party on Eva-Joy's blog (CHECK IT OUT!!!). That evening the upstairs shower messed up and water leaked through the kitchen ceiling. Not an uncommon occurrence, but ya know. Thursday night was The Great Game evening, and Moriarty thoroughly spooked us. In that awesome he-is-such-a-cute-psycho-we-love-him-but-gosh-he-is-so-creepy way. Which leads to the events of that night.
Duhn-duhn-duhn. We were awakened in the pitch black of the night by a thunderous crash that shook the whole bedroom-- being the phans that we are, we immediately assumed it was a falling chandelier. No, actually, our first thought was bombs and Moriarty, if indeed we thought at all, since we were too busy screaming our half-asleep heads off. Turns out Ally's jewelry board had fallen down from the wall, taking a shelf with it, and though nothing was broken it made quite a lot of noise. We were both fine, of course, and it was a funny story in the morning.
She screamed first. I heard her and thought, "Someone is screaming. I must scream, too." :P Friday was VALENTINE'S DAY, and it was our day-out-in-KC with Belle and my brothers Nick and Alex. We went to Crown Center to eat at Fritz's, a restaurant where trains deliver your food. Tradition to take visitors there. So if you ever come to visit the Rovirosas, prepare to go to Fritz's. ;) It's tradition for Nick to order our meals at Fritz's with an accent (you order over a phone at your booth), and when he did an impersonation of Benedict Cumberbatch, we were amazed at how quickly we got our order. Amazing what power a British accent has.
In our conductor hats at Fritz's |
Being ridiculously silly in KC was so much fun-- taking goofy Reichenbach-esque pictures along the edge of a railing in Crown Center, counting the coins in the waterfall, remarking on the fact that we were the only "young people" in Fritz's, as everyone else was either a small child or a parent-- we stuck out like sore thumbs in hats that were too small. :P As we were leaving the Union Station parking lot, Nick was getting ready to pay for the parking and there was no attendant there, so Belle suggested we just run for it without paying "since know one would know", and we had to reprove her. "God would know... and Sherlock would, too!" But we must excuse her for this flagrant dishonesty, as she is only a child. (Sorry, inside joke. :P)
"Goodbye, John..." yes, we make light of tragedy :P |
After eating we went to the Country Club Plaza (where we were afraid of being murdered in a parking garage - waaaay too much Sherlock) and saw Frozen at the theater there. Our second time seeing it, Amy's first. Absolutely adorable, of course. I fangirled through "Let it Go" like I do every time, and Amy was desperately in love with Kristoff (ok, so was I, how can we help it?!). OHMYGOSHSOGOODILOVEFROZENSOMUCH!!!!!! Anyway. Then we played another game of Seven-Up on the way home ("Why can't they just let it go?" "Because that's what people DO!"), went home and had tacos and amazing guacamole compliments of my dad. And thennnnn...came Amy's Most Emotionally Traumatizing Valentine's Evening Ever.
I'll say... first we watched the Hounds of Baskerville, which while not tearjerking is totally suspenseful and sad and scary and all that (also awesome) and then Somewhere in Time, through which we all cried buckets, and then the Reichenbach Fall, and... well, Ally says it was extremely emotionally satisfying to see me bawling like that. I suppose she didn't know I cared.
The look on your face!!! :P Anyway, yes. It was very emotionally satisfying to see her bawling. I enjoyed having someone who actually enjoyed Somewhere in Time for once and didn't hate it by the time the movie was over. A bit of a let-down when you're showing people your favorite movie and, ya know, they don't like it. But what can we say...sad is happy for deep people. :) And then of course Reichenbach was delicious. All the Sherlock feels.
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Ally, Emma, Joey and Amy with a frog-face effect |
You talk as if it was something to eat. :P On Saturday Mr. Rovirosa made a traditional Cuban dinner, which was sooooo good-- I'd never eaten plantains before and I'm in love. We had way too much fun doing impressions of different singers-- you don't know what ridiculous is until you've heard Sarah Brightman and Julie Andrews do "Defying Gravity." Heehee. Fooled around a bit with her younger siblings and the webcam on my laptop, as shown above. Annnnnnnd I was incredibly spoiled because I had to wait just one day (though it was an eternity of a day :P) to watch the beginning of Season 3 after seeing the end of Reichenbach. I do appreciate it, believe me. :D We went to bed ostentatiously early that night but ended up staying awake until 4 on Sunday morning, talking so much.
Today Amy got to meet my church family! We had such an awesome time and had some really enlightening discussions as my church usually does. ;) All in all, this has been such a fabulous week and I am *so* thankful for the opportunity for Amy to come down. I've been so lucky to get to know her through blogging and she's just as awesome in person. Honestly, so thankful for her friendship!!! And she can't say anything because I have the last paragraph. :P So we have...basically a day and a half left, and we're planning on filling those days with tons and tons of stuff. :) Love all you guys, etc., etc.
The Two Marthas
P.S. And a bonus little gift to you... something Silly we made...
I love Austenland! JJ Field was amazing in it! My sister and I have been quoting Miss. Charming non stop. And the other blonde who had like an Indian accent! Gosh I love Mr. Nobley!
You had such an awesome time! Wish I was there! So happy for you!
I've been interested in seeing Austenland (hearing that J.J. Feild was in it may or may not have affected this interest), but my mother was concerned about some content and can't find an objective review of it. Would you review it? :D
I'm jealous of y'all having so much fun without me! LOL ;) And I can't wait to see Frozen for myself and fangirl over Kristoff and "Let It Go," as well. "One Month Mooooore!" until it's out on DVD.
Have a great Last Day-And-A-Half!
Sounds like you girls are having simply way too much fun!! :D
Okay, the crash-n-the-night bit made me laugh :) it sounds like ya’ll are having too much fun over there! I think we need to have, like, a blogging convention where we all meet up together sometime. Like, a Leaguettes convention or something :D
Ahhh! I’m so glad you watched Sherlock, Amy! And Frozen! I can’t really put into words how much I love the both of those…eep!!!
Aw, your look like you're having lots of fun! I can't wait to see Frozen too! It sounds like it's going to be another great one. :)
Looks like you are having SO much fun! Hurray for Sherlock! What's funny is I stayed at a friend's house for a week just a month ago and basically all we did was obsess over Sherlock. It's just so hard not to, isn't it? ;)
I wanted to let you know, Amy, that I've awarded you over at my blog. You can check it out here: http://musingsofanelf.blogspot.com/2014/02/sunflower-dearest.html
It;s been a blast!!! And I don't want you to leave Amy!!! :( We will have to get together again! If only it were that easy :( Hehee the child :D Love all the pictures as well as all the little inside jokes going on :D I will definitely miss you girl!!!
Cool photos!! Sounds like fun!
Love the pictures and wow, that video is quite enjoyable. hahah :)
What version did you see of the Hound of Baskervilles??
I saw one that was in black and white...
Yay! This post had me grinning all the way through:) Sounds like the perfectest trip ever! Have yet to see Frozen... but thank goodness for Spotify so I can belt out the gorgeous music<3
Leaguettes Convention! Leaguettes Convention!!! I'm in:D
That was a great week! Can't week to do it again! Got home from college today and it felt like one of my siblings were missing. :(
Since SOMEONE took the last paragraph, I'm going to wax eloquent on my own (pretending sheeeeeeeeeeee's besiiiiiiiiiide meeeeeeeee) here in the comment box about what an incredible week it was and how awesomely blessed I am to have Ally as a friend... seriously, I feel even closer to her now than I was before I went to her house and I am so, so thankful that the Lord brought her into my life. This was definitely one of the best weeks of my life and I'm incredibly grateful for her friendship!!
Now to answer comments. :P
I know, isn't Miss Charming hilarious? "Did you diiiiiiie?" :P
Awwww, thank you! We did indeed have an awesome time.
Catie Dunlap,
Austenland was hilariously cheesy and cute and fandom-ish, but unfortunately there IS quite a bit of content in it... I watched it on ClearPlay, which muted all the language and I think removed one scene, so it was fine, but I would definitely not recommend it without a filter. I have so many other movies stacked up to review right now, too, that I don't think I'm going to get to this one anytime soon. :(
Aaaaack, yes, I wish you could have been there! We did talk about you, if that makes you feel any better. And one night I even *assumes Ramin voice* dreeeeeeeamed that you were theeeeeeere, which was hilarious and fun. AND YES YOU MUST SEE FROZEN YOU WILL FANGIRL SO HARD.
We were indeed! :D
Haha, it made us laugh, too, after the fact. :D At the time we were too busy being scared senseless. Heehee. A Leaguette blogging convention... gah, don't start me drooling. That would be SO fun. YES FROZEN AND SHERLOCK OHMYGOODNESS.
It was indeed-- you should totally see it!
It is impossible not to obsess over Sherlock. It's just an obsessable series. :D Thanks so much for the award (so sweet of you!) but I've done so many tags/awards/question thingies on this blog in the past couple years that I think I've been tagged-and-awarded-out, so I'm gonna pass on that one. But I really appreciate your giving it to me!!!
Belle (my child),
Gahhhhhhhhhhh, I didn't want to leave either. WAHHHHHHH. Not gonna lie, I cried a little on the plane coming home. I wish we could get together again right away! This time you'll have to come out here, yes? Molly would enjoy that, I think. :D LOOOOOOOOVED our inside jokes. I shall think of you the next time I eat tater tots, yes, hmmm. I miss you!!! (And don't wear your purity ring on your left hand, dear. It's gonna look like you're taken. And you're not, okay? You're just not.)
Thank you! It was! :D
Heeheehee, I rather thought you would enjoy that video. :D The Hounds of Baskerville was from the second season of BBC Sherlock... John Chivery played one of the main characters, which was quite fun. We need to get together again, girl, it's been forever. I miss you!
Awwww, I'm glad it made you smile! You will love Frozen... it's SO sweet and hilarious and warm-and-fuzzy-feeling. We need to start a petition for the Leaguettes Convention, methinks, and get some big corporation to sponsor us and pay our airfare. Heehee.
It was an incredible week and I miss you guys so much! I want SO badly to do it again... saying goodbye to everyone burned the HEART out of me. :D Awwww, I feel like I left a bunch of siblings behind too. :( Don't get me started on that either or I'll do the emotional thing again and I really don't think I have any emotions left, as I frivolously gave them all away on Pinterest. :P
Hiddles as Sydney? SOB! yes Yes YES a millions times YES!
Hi Amy,
I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for the Sunflower Blogger Award! Check out my blog for more details (it's okay if you don't do it right away - I know you're having a lot of fun with Ally).
YOU SAW SHERLOCK. AND YOU LOVED IT. I just need to go...squee for a second...or something.
Okay *cough cough* done now.
You made fun of Reichenbach! Shame on you.
And oh I know, we couldn't stop quoting Moriarty after we first saw The Great Game either.
As for season three....yes you ARE spoiled. We're still waiting for it to come out on DVD...we could cave in and buy the digital versions, but we'd want it on DVD anyhow so I guess we're being economical. :) Wasn't Hounds of Baskerville scary? Ugh...rather disturbing too, I thought. But there were some good scenes. It's the only one (besides the first of series two) which I haven't seen, like, four or five times.
And you saw Frozen! I'm a bit envious now. :) The more pictures I see the cuter it looks.
Weeeell I've talked about movies this whole comment and not once mentioned the actual visit. Shame on me. I'm glad you had a great time!
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